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Music Theory for Young Beginners - Book B (FLEX)

In this FLEX class, students will learn the basics of music theory using Grace Vandendool's Keyboard Theory Prep B
Siobhan McGovern
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What's included

Students will need to complete weekly homework assignments by completing the assigned exercises in their textbooks. This will vary week to week but could take 15 minutes to an hour depending on the student.
Informal Assessment - students homework will be checked and corrections will be given each week

Class Experience

Experience Necessary.  Students should complete my Music Theory for Young Beginners class before taking this class OR they should have completed the Grace Vandendool Preparatory Book A curriculum. 

Beginner music students studying any instrument and singers are encouraged to join this class.  We will be learning using the Grace Vandendool Keyboard Theory Preparatory Book B curriculum.  Students are encouraged to complete all homework and send me pictures of the completed Review sections for each lesson.

This flex class allows students to learn in a fun, engaging environment that does not include live video classes.  Weekly recorded video lessons will be provided for students to use to master the concepts.  Students will be given the opportunity to interact with other students by posting questions and comments on the classroom wall.  Students will be required to submit pictures of each week's homework.  I will send back personalized videos for each student with positive reinforcement and corrections to make.

In this FLEX class we flip the classroom.
The benefits of this are:

-Students learn in their own time using videos and practice sheets in their textbook.  
-Students submit pictures of their completed exercises when they are ready  
-Students have better learning outcomes since they receive feedback with specific responses to their submissions.

Students must purchase the book before class begins.  

Link to purchase theory book:

Student interaction with the teacher will include:

Week 1 through 15: Students will submit pictures of their homework.  I will respond with video feedback including screen shares so they know exactly what corrections to make on their homework.

Student interaction with other students will include:

Week 1 through 15:  Discussion - Students will be prompted to answer questions on the classroom wall about our lesson of the week. Students can comment on what they like most and what they find challenging.

Week 1 through 15: Practical - I will post a video showing the lesson of the week on some different instruments (piano, violin, ukulele, voice). Students will be encouraged to post a video of the music theory concepts learned each week on their instrument.   Students will be encouraged to watch and give positive comments on their classmates videos.

Lesson 1: 
Review - students will answer questions about previous theory knowlegde (ex. What is the sentence used to remember the note names of line/space notes in the treble/bass clef)
Accidentals - students will learn about sharp and flat signs.  Students will practice drawing them and naming them.

Homework - complete exercises on pages 5 - 15

Lesson 2
Students will learn about the natural sign.  Students will practice drawing and naming notes.
Students will learn about the Grand Staff
Students will learn how to draw the Grand Staff and how to name notes on the Grand Staff.
Homework - complete exercises from page 17 - 30

Lesson 3 
Students will learn about the Major Scale
Students will learn the difference between a tone and a semitone.
C Major - students will play the scale on their instruments.  Students will learn how to draw the scale and mark the semitones.
Homework - pages 32 - 34

Lesson 4
G Major - students will play the scale on their instruments.  Students will learn how to draw the scale and mark the semitones.
Homework - pages 35 - 38

Lesson 5 
F Major - students will play the scale on their instruments.  Students will learn how to draw the scale and mark the semitones.
Homework - pages 39 - 47

Lesson 6
Intervals - Students will learn what an interval is. 
Students will learn how to count intervals (2nd - 8ve) on the staff and on the keyboard
Homework - pages 48 - 51

Lesson 7
Intervals - Students will learn how to recognize and draw the interval of a unison.
Students will review and practice counting and drawing all intervals up to an octave.
Homework - pages 52 - 58

Lesson 8
Triads - students will learn what a triad is and how to draw it.
Homework - 59 - 65

Lesson 9
Simple Time - Students will learn about time signatures in simple time (2/4, 3/4, and 4/4)
Students will practice writing in the counting in simple time.
Students will practice clapping rhythms while counting out loud in simple time.
Homework p. 66 - 73

Lesson 10
Simple Time - Students will learn about time signatures in simple time (2/4, 3/4, and 4/4)
Students will practice writing in the counting in simple time.
Students will practice clapping rhythms while counting out loud in simple time.
Extra practice sheets will be given (optional)

Lesson 11
Common Terms and Signs - students will learn 20 terms and signs found in music.
Homework pages 75 - 79

Lesson 12 - 15
Review of all material in Books A and B
Homework - Practice Tests

Learning Goals

-Students will learn how to draw and name sharp, flat and natural signs
-Students will learn what the Grand Staff is and how to draw it and name notes on it
-Students will learn how the Major Scale is constructed.  They will learn how to write out the notes for C, G and F Major
-Students will learn the difference between a tone and semitone
-Students will learn what intervals are and how to draw melodic and harmonic intervals up to an octave
-Students will learn what a triad is and how to draw it
-Students will learn about simple time signatures (2/4, 3/4 and 4/4)
-Students will learn how to write in the counting of the beats underneath musical examples
-Students will learn how to clap rhythms while counting out loud in simple time.
-Students will learn 20 terms and signs found in music.
learning goal

Other Details

Supply List
-cue cards (optional or make your own with recycled materials)
Link to purchase theory book:
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined June, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Hello, I'm Siobhan!  A versatile and passionate human interested in continuing to learn and grow throughout life's journey. I spent nine years living in Thailand working as a professional musician and private music teacher. For five of those years, I ran my own business, a music school, where I gained valuable experience and a versatile skill set. Just before the pandemic, I was traveling and developing new skills including cooking gourmet vegetarian food, managing a kitchen, managing social media pages, video editing as well as completing my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.  During the pandemic, I began creating music classes that are specifically designed to be delivered online. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, reading, travel, and practicing music.


Live Group Class



15 weeks
Completed by 1 learner
No live video meetings
Ages: 5-8

This class is no longer offered
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