What's included
Class Experience
In this flex course students will build core personal finance skills and learn real-world strategies to effectively manage their personal finances. By the end of this course, students will have a basic understanding of personal finance topics and a foundation in the skills necessary to successfully navigate the financial responsibilities that exist in life. THIS IS A FLEX COURSE - NO LIVE MEETINGS! If you are interested in the live class please follow the link below. https://outschool.com/classes/money-in-our-lives-save-spend-give-financial-literacy-money-money-money-Ip8pMOEV?sectionUid=f95b495e-9338-4964-bbf3-9375c114dbd8&showDetails=true Week 1 / Lesson 1: Money in Our Lives Students will be able to: Discuss their personal financial decision-making process Identify their money personality based on personal behavior and choices Analyze financial decisions and the influence of personal/external factors Personal Finance Decision Making -Learn about decision making, trade offs, and the importance of setting goals Activity - Students will discover their money personality and create a mind map to share with the class to compare with other students their age in the class. Week 2 / Lesson 2: Consumer Skills Consumer Skills -Learn banking basics and smart consumer skills like utilizing discounts and comparison shopping Saving - Learn about the importance of saving and how to build strong saving habits Budgeting -Learn how to distinguish between needs and wants and how to budget for both. Students will be able to: - Prioritize goals and values when faced with spending decisions - Practice making financial decisions centered around savings goals - Assess emotional and financial tradeoffs Activity - Students will create a personalized savings goals, money budget to share and collaborate with the class. Week 3 / Lesson 3 - Checking Accounts / Different Types of Payments / Credit Students will be able to: -Explain the difference between multiple types of payment -Evaluate the risk of using peer-to-peer payment apps -Decide which type of payment is best in different situations Activity - Students will complete a checking account simulation with various types of payments and balance a checking account. Week 4 / Lesson 4 Credit -Learn about responsible borrowing habits with loans and credit cards. Factors that affect your credit score. Borrowing Money -Students will be able to: -Evaluate the pros and cons of borrowing money -Propose alternative ways of helping someone rather than lending them money -Create a repayment plan -Adjust a repayment plan when on party is unable to follow through Activity - Students will create a presentation on the positive and negatives of using credit. All activities should be upload to the Outschool classroom for sharing and collaboration with our friends in class. How is your class structured? My class is structure to be a stress free, fun, and interactive learning environment to accommodate different learning styles and abilities. How will you teach? I will teach using slide presentation, interactive games and discussion for question and answer sessions. What's your teaching style? I believe that every child learns differently. I do my best to accommodate individual learning styles. How much will learners get to interact with you and each other (mention specifics like: lecture, games, slides, video clips, discussion)? This class is highly interactive simulating real life as adults making financial decisions. Students will interact by working together in the classroom community of life scenarios. Students must work together and interact with each other to successfully learn how to navigate real life skills. Students will learn they are free to choose what to with the money they earn but not free from the consequences of their choice, whether it is positive or negative result. I teach with lecture format, modeling, visual aids and hands on activity. NOTE: Students will create a final project of their responsibilities and what they learned in our classroom economy via video, ppt, slide, etc. How much Interaction will students have with other classmates: Students must communicate and interact with each to successfully make their classroom community economy function. Students must work together and interact with each other to successfully learn how to navigate real life skills. How much interaction will students have with teacher: Students will respond to discussion questions posted in the classroom weekly. Students must respond to at least one of the messages from other students or myself. Students will be ask to share a presentation of their real life experience through a visual presentation using video source, google slides or PPT. Students will need to respond to each students presentation. As always, I will be available for questions and feedback through the classroom and direct messages. Any required experience or knowledge learners need? No prior knowledge is needed.
Other Details
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
1 teacher has a teaching certificate
Arkansas Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education
2 teachers have a Graduate degree
Master's Degree in Education from Saint Peter's University
Master's Degree in Education from Arkansas State University
Master's Degree in Education from Arkansas State University
2 teachers have a Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's Degree in Film/Cinema/Video Studies from Ithaca College
Bachelor's Degree in Science from Arkansas State University
I am licensed and certified educator in Business Technology & Business Education, Special Education Instructional Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences, and a graduate of the Career and Technical Education Leadership Academy and ESL Instructor and certifications in TEFL/TESL/TESOL. . I am also an entrepreneur, small business owner, W!SE Financial Literacy Instructor, Serv-Safe Instructor, and I hold a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Radiology Health Management. I am an advocate of Career and Technical Education (CTE), life skill classes that are designed to provide students the knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living.
All of Apples2Zippers Learning Academy teachers are licensed, certified educators.
Live Group Class
weekly4 weeks
Completed by 3 learners
No live video meetings
Ages: 10-15