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Miss Becky's Story Time - Weather and Seasons

Does your child know about the four seasons? This story time's books all deal with weather and the seasons.
Miss Becky
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What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

US Grade Pre-Kindergarten - 1
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn - this half-hour story time deals with the four seasons and the different kinds of weather experienced in each one. Your child will love to see what happens when Zoomer makes a winter wonderland in his own backyard - in the middle of the summer! We'll also read about Clifford's first autumn, and we may even have time to read about the snow and rain. Make sure your child brings some paper and scissors because Miss Becky will be teaching your child how to make snowflakes.

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Miss Becky will be teaching the learners how to make snowflakes. This activity will require paper and scissors. You may want to supply safety scissors for your child to use or accompany him/her in this activity.
Supply List
paper and scissors to make snowflakes
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Depending on time, a combination of the following will be read... Clifford's First Autumn by Norman Bridwell Just a Thunderstorm by Gina and Mercer Mayer Zoomer's Summer Snowstorm by Ned Young Snowflakes Fall by Patricia MacLachlan Franklin and the Thunderstorm by Paulette Bourgeois
Joined January, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have been an instructional aide in an all-day kindergarten class for the past 13 years and the best part of my job is reading to the students. Studies have shown reading aloud to children improves listening skills, helps in language development, expands vocabulary, increases attention span, inspires creativity, encourages a love of reading, teaches life lessons, helps with social and emotional development, and actually raises a child's I.Q. by over six points! It's also a fun way to introduce phonics and the alphabet to preschoolers. 
With a background in theater, I don't just read words to children, I entertain them as well. Using different voices for characters, and facial expressions to emphasize points, I've often looked out over a sea of young faces to see them more engaged in watching me than they are in looking at the story's pictures.
I realize finding time to read to your child can be a challenge so why not let me read to them and keep them entertained as well? It is my hope that my story time will help you as much as it will your child. 
I am the mother of three adult boys and the grandmother of one 10-year-old boy. To this day, my sons tell me some of their best growing-up memories are of me reading to them. How wonderful it would be to have your child think the same thing when they're grown. Imagine hearing them say,  "I remember listening to stories a silly old lady would read to me over the computer. That was so fun!" 


Live One-Time Class


per class

Meets once
30 min
Completed by 3 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 4-7
1-6 learners per class

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