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Life Skills With Virtues - Conflict Resolution Club

Faith, MS, M.Ed.
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In this fun and interactive course, students learn essential skills for resolving conflicts peacefully and respectfully. By role-playing and discussions, they explore ways to communicate better and maintain healthy relationships.

Class Experience

  • 1. To recognize different types of conflicts and their common causes. 2. To develop effective communication techniques, including active 3. listening and expressing feelings calmly. 4. To understand and respect different viewpoints. 5. Learn practical strategies for negotiating and finding mutually acceptable solutions. 6. Learn to manage emotions during conflicts to respond thoughtfully instead of reactively. 7. Learn to maintain and strengthen friendships through peaceful conflict resolution. 8. To practice conflict resolution skills through role-playing and real-life scenarios.
Frequency: Available upon request
Joined April, 2021
Hello, and welcome! My name is Faith, and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself and my classes to you.

I hold a Master of Education degree and a Master of Science in Software Engineering degree. I have over 16 years of... 
Group Class


for 5 classes
5x per week, 1 week
40 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 12-17
2-9 learners per class

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