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Let's Speak in Bengali!

Saima Maswood M.S. Education
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This class spans two weeks and aims to enhance children's fundamental Bengali language skills, enabling them to boost their speaking abilities as well as their social and cultural competencies.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Beginner - Intermediate Level
8 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Protidin er kotha barta
My everyday conversation
Lesson 2
Bangate prosno ar uttar
Question and answer in Bengali
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Cholo park e jai
Let's go to the park
Lesson 4
Cholo Dadar bari jai
Let's go grandma's house
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Unara ki koren?
What do they do?
Lesson 6
Ami jadu ghore ghechilam
I went to the Museum
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Tomar shobar ghor kothai?
Where is bedroom?
Lesson 8
Tumi beshi TV dhekcho
You watch TV too much
  • After finishing this session, students will be able to speak Bengali confidently.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: As needed
Details: I will provide parents with all the necessary practice materials so children can enhance their skills and enjoy themselves at home!
Frequency: Available upon request
Joined May, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from At. Johns University

My name is Saima Maswood and I have worked as an elementary teacher for over 14 years. During my teaching career, I had the privilege of teaching elementary children in New York City. However, I have transitioned to becoming an online... 
Group Class


weekly or $136 for 8 classes
2x per week, 4 weeks
25 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
2-6 learners per class

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