Let's Experiment! Science through Children's Literature with Aunt Sam
What's included
10 live meetings
9 hrs 10 mins in-class hoursHomework
1-2 hours per week. Simple weekly assignments will be provided in the classroom. Parental/older sibling help may be necessary with some activities.Assessment
Discuss and share what is learned with familyClass Experience
US Grade 2 - 5
I love interesting picture books and I love science. So, this course combines both! Through an integrated approach to science, we will use literature, multiple activities, crafts and experiments to enlighten the learner about scientific concepts. These concepts will cover some Earth, Life and Physical Science. This is an elementary science class, with no prior science required. The Picture Book read each week introduces the scientific concept. These are engaging, insightful books. I encourage you to purchase the book or obtain it from a library (optional, though.) We discuss the book, answer questions about the concept, then proceed to the activities which reinforce the concept. These are fun, hands-on activities/experiments. Many classes will involve break-out rooms to further discussion. Each class has a supply list. This list will be given a week in advance, most objects are household items. Some activities will not be completely finished in class and will need added work outside class. Before the Picture Book is read each week, we will have a short sharing time. A few students will share what they learned from the previous week's concept. This could be a cool bug they saw, a finished project they show, or an experiment gone wrong that they explain! Here's the Outline of the Books, Concepts and some of the activities/experiments in class: Week 1 Rocks Everybody Needs a Rock (Aladdin/Simon & Schuster) - What's in a Rock? Welcome to our class, learners will share, show and describe a Favorite Rock. We will answer rock questions: • Where do Rocks come from? • What are the different kinds of Rocks? • How are Rocks used? • We will dip our rocks in water. How does the rock change? • Aunt Sam will break a frozen rock. What are rocks made of? Week 2 Volcanoes Hill of Fire (Harper Collins) - Boom! How do Volcanoes form? This book describes a Volcano forming in a few days/weeks in front of the eyes of the villagers. Learners will • Diagram a Volcano • Make a Volcano flip book and learn about Plate Tectonics • Identify this Mexican town from the book on your Map • Identify the Ring of Fire and Major Volcanoes. A MUSSEL OR CLAM will be needed for the next week's experiment. Week 3 Arctic Life The Very Last First Time (Groundwood/House of Anansi)- When the Ocean Freezes: Eva's way of life is different. • Who lives in the Artic? • What do people eat in the Artic? • What sea animals live in the Artic? • What is a Mussel? • If available, obtain some mussels or clam. With adult help, we will dissect • Identify parts of mussels/clam. Identify the Artic and the Ungava Bay on Maps Life Science: Week 4 Bugs Two Bad Ants (HMH) - Thorax and Crystals: In this book we see the world through the eyes of ants. • We will view how things look through magnification. • What does a grain of wheat look like under Magnification? • We will create a diagram of an ant • Start our crystals. NEXT WEEK, you will need soil, seeds, containers Week 5 Plants The Tiny Seed (Little Simon/Simon & Schuster)- Seed, Soil and Sun • What do seeds look like? With your magnifying glass, describe/dissect a seed (larger seed, such as a Kidney bean seed that has soaked for a couple of hours.) • Plant the same kind of fast-sprouting seed in two containers change a variable (soil, water or amount of sunlight.) • Keep a log or make sketches of the growth of the seeds. How are the crystals looking? Week 6 Fish Swimmy (DragonFly) - Fins, Scales and Food: There is safety in numbers. • How are Humans and Fish similar? How are they different? • Make a Venn Diagram to explain • Identify major oceans on Maps • Make Japanese Fish Kite How are the crystals looking? NEXT CLASS, bring a Food that you have never tried. Let's have a taste challenge! Week 7 Nutrition Gregory, the Terrible Eater (Scholastic) - You are what you Eat! • What is good to eat? What tastes good? • How do we taste? • Make a Food Pyramid diagram • Experiment with tastes. • What food will you eat this week? Have the seeds sprouted? Physical Science Week 8 Deafness Dad and Me in the Morning (Albert Whitman & Company) • Diagram an ear • experiment with vibration and how our ears work • Experience part of class muted, discuss what life would be like living in silence • Discuss what Life is like for the Deaf • Learn some sign language NEXT WEEK'S EXPERIMENT needs balloons, baking soda, Food dye Week 9 Chemical and Physical Change. Strega Nona's Magic Lessons (Simon & Schuster)- Gas, Balloons and Baking Soda- There is chemical change all around us. • How does yeast rise? • How does soda and vinegar react? • This story takes place in Italy, we will identify Italy on the Map • Learners will do several chemical reactions using household items How are the Crystals and plants? Week 10 Presentations Learners will each present a scientific project from this class or something they are working on personally. Learners will be encouraged to describe the experimental process, what they learned, what they liked, or did not like and how this project connects with the learner. For example, the Learner's crystals formed a snowflake shape and so the learner is using the crystals as an ornament on their Christmas tree. We will also have a fun review KAHOOT quiz this week. Learning for us ALL! Most of these lessons are taken from "Science Through Children's Literature, An Integrated Approach" by Carol M. Butzow and John W. Butzow. These books are read with the permission from Publishers: HarperCollins; Penguin; Disney; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books.
Learning Goals
Students will gain a basic understanding in
Life Science - Insects, Plant Life, Ocean Life and Nutrition
Earth Science - Earth Crust and Ocean Floor
Physical Science - Sound and Chemical Change
10 Lessons
over 10 WeeksLesson 1:
Week 1 Rocks
Everybody Needs a Rock (Aladdin/Simon & Schuster) - What's in a Rock? Welcome to our class, learners will share, show and describe a Favorite Rock. We will answer rock questions: Where do Rocks come from? How do Rocks change? How are Rocks used? We will dip our rocks in water. How does the rock change? Aunt Sam will break a frozen rock. What are rocks made of?
55 mins online live lesson
1 assignment
Lesson 2:
Week 2 Volcanoes
Hill of Fire (Harper Collins) - Boom! How do Volcanoes form. This book describes a Volcano forming in a few days/weeks in front of the eyes of the villagers. Learners will diagram a Volcano, make a Volcano flip book and learn about Plate Tectonics in the Ring of Fire. Identify this Mexican town on your Map along with the Ring of Fire and Major Volcanoes. A MUSSEL OR CLAM will be needed for the next week's experiment.
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Week 3 Arctic Life
The Very Last First Time (Groundwood/House of Anansi)- When the Ocean Freezes: Eva's way of life is different. Who lives in the Artic? What do people eat in the Artic? What sea animals live in the Artic? What is a Mussel? If available, obtain some mussels or clam. With adult help, we will dissect and identify parts of mussels/clam. Identify the Artic and the Ungava Bay on Maps.
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Week 4 Bugs
Two Bad Ants (HMH) - Thorax and Crystals: In this book we see the world through the eyes of ants. We will view how things looks through magnification. What does a grain of wheat look like under Magnification? We will create a diagram of an ant and start our crystals. NEXT WEEK, you will need soil, seeds, containers
55 mins online live lesson
Other Details
Supply List
A more specific Supply List will be provided in the classroom the week before the lesson is taught. With all the classes, if there is difficulty obtaining the item, substitutes can we used and will be suggested in the classroom. Depending on the class, experiments may be changed or saved to be done later. Also, parental supervision may be needed with some of the experiments. THANKS Here is a tentative list of supplies needed: Magnifying glass, markers, crayons, scissors, pencils, worksheets (found in classroom) Rocks Vinegar Baking Soda Food Die raw mussel (available in Seafood stores) salt sugar clear glass/jar pipe cleaners string pencil clothespin potting soil seed (bean, radish, something fast growing) paper/plastic cups Favorite Food/recipe unflavored gelatin sandwich bags small mirror (2x3) flashlight tissue paper stick yeast balloon small water/pop bottle plastic or glass
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
All books are available from the Local Library or online, if pre-reading is desirable, but not necessary.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Brigham Young University
I have taught this class with my own children in our homeschool. The books are delightful and insightful, the projects are fun and fascinating! With my crazy facial expressions, the books come alive. With the activities, we learn together. Welcome to the class!
Live Group Course
weekly1x per week, 10 weeks
55 min
Completed by 19 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
3-6 learners per class