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Learn to Play the Violin, Level 1 | Beginner Violin Small-Group Class

Join me for an engaging class designed for the beginner violinist. Using engaging songs, such as the Star Wars Theme, students will learn how to pluck the violin strings while reading music and playing simple melodies.
Ms. Metal | Elementary Music Teacher
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What's included

8 live meetings
4 in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. Daily practice is important to reinforce the skills we learn in class, especially the physical skill of putting the left-hand fingers down on the neck of the instrument. Students will be given specific skills and tunes to practice outside class to improve their technique. Students and grown-ups can send videos of a student's playing to the teacher for feedback between class sessions.

Class Experience

Welcome to the world of string instruments! As a violinist of sixteen years, I am honored to be part of your young musician's journey with this incredible instrument!

Learning an instrument challenges the brain in various ways. 

It requires:
🧠 mental focus
💪🏻 physical agility
💭 new ways of thinking

In exchange, students achieve:
🧠 improved memory and attention
💪🏻 enhanced fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
💭 emotional regulation

👉 That's all to say, learning an instrument changes your brain for the better!

Not to mention the specific musical skills your student will learn in this class, including:

🎵 Pizzicato (plucking) and bowing strings
🎵 Identifying the strings - 
🎵 Reading beginning rhythms with quarter notes and quarter rests ( ta, shh)
🎵 Playing notes while reading music on the musical staff
🎵 Learning simple folk songs
🎵 Preparing for a performance


C L A S S  S Y L L A B U S

👉 Lesson 1: Identify, Hold, and Pluck: Violin Basics

- How to Hold the Violin
- Correct Posture
- Plucking the Strings (Pizzacato)

👉 Lesson 2: Left-Hand Placement - E, F#, G
**Violin Tapes must be placed by this class**

- Review How to Hold the Violin and Pluck the Strings (Pizzacato)
- Listening Activity
- Placing fingers for notes E, F#, and G

👉 Lesson 3: Reading E, F# and G on the Staff // Hot Cross Buns

- Reading E, F#, and G on the Musical Staff
- New Song: Hot Cross Buns
- Breakout Room Practice

👉 Lesson 4: Intro to the Bowing Hand // Mary Had a Little Lamb

- Review E, F#, and G on the Musical Staff
- New Song: Rolling Along (Mary Had A Little Lamb)
- Breakout Room Practice

👉 Lesson 5: Open "A" String // Star Wars Theme

- Practice bowing grip with a pencil
- Open "A" String Practice 
- New Song: Star Wars Theme 
- Breakout Room Practice

👉 Lesson 6: Open "A String Practice // Lightly Row

- Practice Bow Grip
- Review Open "A," practice transition from one string to another
- New Song: Lightly Row
- Breakout Room Practice

👉 Lesson 7: Putting It Together // Recital Prep

- Group Warm-Up
- Choose a Song for Recital Week
- Breakout Room Practice

👉 Lesson 8: Recital Week

- Group Warm-Up
- Recital Week
       - All students are invited to perform their recital song for the class
- Discussion of the next steps in your violin journey!


C L A S S  N O T E S

🎻 We will use the book "Essential Elements for Strings - Violin Book 1" for this class. Grown-ups can find this book at any major online retailer or your local music shop.

🎻 Your learner must have a proper-sized violin, bow, and shoulder rest for this class. If you have any questions about the materials needed, please message me on Outschool so I can help you!

🔴 Students will NOT be using their bow in this class. All bowing exercises are designed to build the muscles needed to control the bow at a later time. We explore this concept in my Level 2 class (COMING SOON!)


A B O U T   Y O U R   T E A C H E R

C R E D E N T I A L S:

✏️ PreK-12 Certified Music Teacher
✏️ Elementary Music Teacher
✏️ Bachelor's Degree in Music Education
✏️ 5+ years of brick-and-mortar teaching experience
✏️ 3+ years teaching online
✏️ 16+ years of volunteering with kids

F U N   F A C T S:

🍎 My sister and I both went to school to be music teachers! 
🍎 I play the piano 🎹, violin 🎻, flute, guitar 🎸, ukulele, recorder, plus I sing 🎤! 
🍎 One past job of mine --> Gymboree Play & Music
Learning Goals
Children will properly hold the violin and bow using an appropriate-sized violin and shoulder rest.
Children will learn to read basic notes and rhythms on the musical staff using proper musical notation.
learning goal


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Identify, Hold, and Pluck: Violin Basics
 This lesson will teach learners how to attach their chin rests and hold the violin correctly.

We will learn the proper hand placement to pluck the strings, known as pizzicato playing. We will apply this playing style to the "open strings" (no fingers down on the neck of the instrument.)

**After this lesson, a video will be posted in the Outschool classroom on how to place the Violin Tapes on the neck of the instrument, to be done by the next lesson.** 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Left-Hand Placement - E, F#, G
 **Violin tapes must be placed by this lesson. Please refer to the video posted in the Outschool classroom.**

First, students will participate in a listening activity to hone their aural skills.

Students will learn how to place their left-hand fingers on the Violin Tapes. We will practice melodies using this skill.

We will discuss Zoom breakout rooms for partner practice. Students will practice using encouraging language to offer "Grows and Glows" to their partner. 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Reading E, F# and G on the Staff // Hot Cross Buns
 Group: Students will view E, F# and G on the musical staff. We will practice moving the fingers in our left hand smoothly and precisely.

Song: Hot Cross Buns

Breakout Rooms: We will use Zoom Breakout Rooms to practice assigned melodies with a partner. One partner will play and the other will listen. Students will offer “Glows and Grows." The teacher will observe each breakout room.

Regroup: The teacher will chat to the group and Glows and Grows. Set goals for next class meeting. 
30 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Intro to Bowing Hand // Mary Had a Little Lamb
 Group: Students will review the notes on the musical staff

Song: Rolling Along (Mary Had A Little Lamb)

Breakout Rooms: Partner practice with "Glows and Grows."

Regroup: The teacher will chat with the group and Glows and Grows. Set goals for the next class meeting. 
30 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Supply List
- Appropriate Size Violin and Bow - Please message me with questions!

- Essential Elements for Strings - Violin Book 1

- Three Color Violin Board Tape
ex: https://www.amazon.com/Color-Violin-Fingering-Fretboard-Positions/dp/B00502CTPW/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=QPDBMBWUGWK6&keywords=violin+tape&qid=1698068186&sprefix=violin+tape%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
 1 file available upon enrollment
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Joined September, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
North Carolina Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Hey there!

My name is Ms. Metal, and yes, one of my favorite parts of introducing myself to kids is when they realize my name is a real word! And then again when they realize how it connects to music!


C R E D E N T I A L S:

✏️ PreK-12 Certified Music Teacher
✏️ Elementary Music Teacher
✏️ Bachelor's Degree in Music Education
✏️ 5+ years of brick-and-mortar teaching experience
✏️ 3+ years teaching online
✏️ 16+ years of volunteering with kids

F U N   F A C T S:

🍎 My sister and I both went to school to be music teachers! 
🍎 I play the piano 🎹, violin 🎻, flute, guitar 🎸, ukulele, recorder, plus I sing 🎤! 
🍎 One past job of mine --> Gymboree Play & Music


C L A S S R O O M  M E T H O D S:

Music can be explored and made in a variety of ways.

We can:
💃🏼 use movement to convey ideas
🎤 experiment with our voices
🎵 learn to read and express musical ideas

Learning an instrument challenges the brain in various ways.

It requires:
🧠 mental focus
💪🏻 physical agility
💭 new ways of thinking

In exchange, students achieve:
🧠 improved memory and attention
💪🏻 enhanced fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination
💭 emotional regulation

👉 That's all to say, learning an instrument changes your brain for the better!


I can't wait to share my love of music with you through song, dance, or learning a new instrument and reading music! However you'd like to experiment with music, I'm honored to be part of this journey with you.

See you in the classroom!


Live Group Class


weekly or $120 for 8 classes
1x per week, 8 weeks
30 min

Completed by 9 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
2-3 learners per class

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