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Latin Language IV

In this 15-week course, students will read and analyze Chapters 21 through 25 of Hans H. Orberg's Lingua Latina text.
Larissa Laver
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What's included

30 live meetings
25 in-class hours
On the last day of class, we will have an interactive assessment; students can send me their work in advance if they would like me to grade it for them. We complete vocabulary and translation activities interactively every class period, so students receive immediate feedback on that every day.

Class Experience

This course is designed as a continuation of Latin. This course is best suited for students who have confidently completed Chapters 1-20 of Lingua Latina (or an equivalent Latin course). Students enrolling in this course should already know the following Latin grammatical topics: all five noun declensions in all cases; the entire present system of verbs (present, imperfect, future tenses; active, passive, and deponent voices) in all four conjugations; degrees of adjectives and adverbs (including irregular forms); pronouns (hic, qui, ille, is, etc.).

The bulk of our class time is spent reading and translating from the Lingua Latina textbook. Students have the opportunity to practice pronunciation of Latin (we use Classical pronunciation here) whenever they translate, if they wish to do so. We additionally workbook exercises periodically to solidify our grasp of the material. From time to time we will practice spoken Latin elements and sing songs in Latin, too! 

Here is the breakdown of chapters and weekly grammar topics that we will cover in this course:

Week 1: Review of previous Latin material using workbook exercises and texts from Chapters 1-20

Weeks 2-4: Chapter 21: perfect active and perfect passive verbs; perfect active and passive infinitives; relative time of infinitives in indirect statement; principal parts of Latin verbs

Weeks 5-6: Chapter 22: the Latin supine (another verbal noun that isn't an infinitive!)

Weeks 7-9: Chapter 23: Future periphrastic verb forms; the future active participle 

Weeks 10-12: Chapter 24: Pluperfect active and passive verbs; sequence of tenses in Latin

Weeks 13-15: Chapter 25: the myth of Theseus (in LATIN); deponent imperatives; ablative absolute in the perfect tense; traditionally on the last day of class, we have a summative day reviewing and discussing the main grammatical concepts and vocabulary from the course.

Other Details

Parental Guidance
The story of Theseus and the Minotaur is violent, involves suicide, a child-eating monster, and an abandonment of a young girl. In general, Greek myths tend to be quite grizzly; this iconic tale is certainly no exception.
Supply List
Lingua Latina textbook and workbook (which you probably already have by now!)
Language of Instruction
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in History from Brandeis University
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Language from Gordon College
Hello! I’m Larissa Laver and I’ve been teaching since 2008. I’ve worked with young children through young adults over the years: I have taught Pre-K through collegiate level courses and literally every grade in between at some point in my career. I mainly have taught Latin language from elementary through advanced levels, and occasionally teach Ancient Greek as well. I also teach Ancient Greek and Roman History courses, Classical Mythology, and the Homeric Epics. I have traveled extensively in Greece and Italy, and what I learned on those adventures often finds its way into my lessons. 

I consider myself a lifelong learner and am always digging deeper to discover more about the world we live in, its history, peoples, languages, religions, cuisines, and more! I also love when my students challenge me with their amazing questions and observations. I spend much time reading and researching in the hopes of being a better citizen of the world and educator. 

When I'm not engaged in academic pursuits, I spend my time with my amazing husband. Together we love to travel, play tennis, and hang out with our pet chickens! When I'm on my own, I love kickboxing, yoga (sometimes outside with the chickens!), and gardening (also with the chickens).


Live Group Class


for 30 classes

2x per week, 15 weeks
50 min
Completed by 3 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 14-18
2-3 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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