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Kingdom of Meroë - Trial Class for World History (Full Year)

This class is a trial class for those interested in my year long World History or United States History classes. Students can get a taste of what my year long classes are like before signing up!
Nicole Trusky
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What's included

1 live meeting
55 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

This trial class is for anyone who might be interested in my year long US or World History courses but is hesitant to commit before knowing if my teaching style is a good fit. This one-time class is structured just like my year long history classes so that students can get a taste of how I teach, what the assignments are like, and how class week flows. This is a great example for how my longer classes will run and should provide students with an idea of my teaching style. 

All of my classes, especially my US History classes, are inclusive and anti-racist. We will be covering tough subjects and tackling tough topics from the point of view of the people involved, particularly the marginalized groups involved.

I currently offer two four-part United States History series and two four-part World History series. Part one of each series can be found at the links below. All of my history classes rely heavily on primary sources because I believe the best way to learn history is through the eyes of those who lived it. This class, as well as my year long classes, begin with a lecture by me, along with an assignment where learners will work on analyzing primary source materials such as photos, letters, diary entries, documents, or other written resources. 

This one-time class focus on the ancient Kushite kingdom of Meroë. During the lecture I will give learners a background history of the ancient civilization of Kush, ending with information on the kingdom of Meroë. Then learners will look at photos of ancient artifacts and read primary source passages to determine what ancient sources can tell us about the kingdom of Meroë. All materials for this class will be provided by me and learners can either print the included pdf and write on the pages or type directly onto the pdf. Learners need no prior knowledge of the time period prior to taking this class.

Full Year Classes Available: 

US History I Part 1 of 4: https://outschool.com/classes/united-states-history-part-1-of-4-36rfX5E1#us1N2EG6kM
US History II Part 1 of 4: https://outschool.com/classes/united-states-history-ii-full-year-part-1-of-4-IDJFDxUc
World History I Part 1 of 4: https://outschool.com/classes/world-history-i-full-year-part-1-of-4-z5TqFoWA
World History II Part 1 of 4: https://outschool.com/classes/world-history-ii-full-year-part-1-of-4-IG8gmhdr
Learning Goals
Students will further their knowledge of the kingdom of Meroë. 
Students will be able to analyze the primary sources we will be working with. 
Students will get a better idea of my teaching style to determine if my longer history courses would be a good fit for them.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
As with any World History course, we will be covering topics like death, war, and racism. I will not shy away from these topics, but will help the students understand that though racism, slavery, sexism, etc. are part of the fabric of World History, they are not acceptable by our standards today.
Supply List
A pdf of all materials will be provided.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined August, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in History from Wilson College
Bachelor's Degree in History from Wilson College
My Masters degree is in American Studies and I spent a great deal of my graduate studies focusing on the Civil War, Westward Expansion, and the Industrial Revolution. I have been teaching both US and World History courses both off and on Outschool for several years. For this particular class I am relying on primary sources as my main source material but have studied this era in history during both my undergrad and grad courses.


Live One-Time Class


per class
Meets once
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
2-8 learners per class

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