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Introduction to Screenwriting: Writing and Producing for Film and Television

Jackson Pearce Classes: Love Writing
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Rising Star
For teens interested in writing their own films and television series! Taught by Saundra Mitchell, and award-winning published author, head screenwriter of Dreaming Tree films, and Executive Producer of Fresh Films.

Class Experience

The class is led by Saundra Mitchell, the head screenwriter for Dreaming Tree Films for 18 years, Mitchell produced more than 400 short films, ten of which earned Academy Award Eligibility. She was an executive producer for Fresh Films, the world’s largest teen filmmaking program, and taught the Screenwriting Intensive for Fresh Films, as well. 
Homework Offered
While students are welcome to merely attend the live classes and participate there, they will get the MOST out of this class by completing the weekly homework assignments. These assignments are intentional, well-designed, and will strengthen their understanding of screenwriting concepts-- no busywork here! To be respectful of the instructor's time and schedule, late homework cannot be accepted.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Grades Offered
Grades can be provided upon request.
All the films and screenplays chosen for this class are widely considered suitable for high school age students. However, it's crucial for adults to take into account the unique reading capabilities, emotional maturity, and socio-emotional requirements of their specific learner before enrolling them in this class. It's worth noting that some of the selected screenplays delve into complex topics including bullying, survival scenarios, themes of sexuality, and some violence. Parents and guardians should be aware of these elements to ensure a positive and enriching reading experience for their child.
Students will be encouraged to explore free screenwriting software curated by Mitchell, to use during class. No purchases outside of class are required. (In fact, instructor discourages the purchase of any screenwriting software until a student has worked with free software and produced several scripts. Professional screenwriting software is expensive (running from $150-300,) and should be considered an investment in the future, not a pre-requisite for this course.) 
Joined November, 2018
Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in English Language and Literature
Tracy Banghart
Bachelor's Degree in English
Jackson Pearce
Bachelor's Degree in English
Anna Dodds
Master's Degree in Education
Tiffany Schmidt M.Ed.
Hello! My name is Jackson Pearce, and I'm the owner of Love Writing-- an organization dedicated to inspiring kids to love writing, reading, and all things language arts.

After teaching on Outschool by myself for three years, I decided to bring in... 
Group Class


for 6 classes
1x per week, 6 weeks
50 min

Completed by 9 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-18
4-10 learners per class

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