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Intensive Pre-Algebra

Stay ahead with this 8-week course that rigorously covers the principles of Pre-Algebra.
Jonathan Fiore
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What's included

45 live meetings
33 hrs 45 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

This class will intensively cover the principles of Pre-Algebra. This course is designed for students who want to make sure they are prepared for Algebra by staying on track. This means that we will focus on topics typically covered in the second semester. We will cover Fractions, Decimals, Negative Numbers, and Ratios, while focusing mostly on Inequalities, Equations, Graphing Linear Equations, Statistics, Solid Geometry, and Probability. 

In class I'll both directly teach discreet concepts while reserving most of the class time for questions and practice problems. The more we practice, the easier it will be. Students will be able to email me questions, and I'll reserve 5 minutes after every class for students who have additional questions. 

The goal of this course is for students to finish this year strong and prepared for Algebra.
Learning Goals
1. Convert between standard decimal notation, rational notation, and scientific notation; and perform operations with rational numbers. 
2. Graph proportional relationships,
interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the
line that models the relationship.
3. Use data from a table or graph to determine
the rate of change or slope and y‐intercept in
mathematical and real‐world problems
Identify functions using sets of ordered pairs,
tables, mappings, and graphs.
4. Write an equation in the form y = mx + b to
model a linear relationship between two
quantities using verbal, numerical, tabular,
and graphical representations.
5. Model and solve one‐variable equations with
variables on both sides of the equal sign that
represent mathematical and real‐world
problems using ratio.
6. Use an algebraic representation to explain
the effect of a given positive rational scale
factor applied to two‐dimensional figures on
a coordinate plane with the origin as the
center of dilation.
7. Solve problems involving the volume of
cylinders, cones, and spheres.
8. Use previous knowledge of surface area to
make connections to the formulas for lateral
and total surface area and determine
solutions for problems involving rectangular
prisms, triangular prisms, and cylinders
9. Use the Pythagorean theorem and its
converse to solve problems.
10. Explain the effect of translations, reflections
over the x‐ or y‐axis, and rotations limited to
90°, 180°, 270°, and 360° as applied to two‐
dimensional shapes on a coordinate plane
using an algebraic representation.
11. Use a trend line that approximates the linear
relationship between bivariate sets of data
to make predictions
12. Calculate and compare simple interest and
compound interest earnings
learning goal

Other Details

Supply List
Students will need the following: 
1. Pencils or Pens
2. Graph Paper 
3. Note Paper (optional)
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined March, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I'm concerned about the many students who are currently taking Pre-Algebra who are suddenly kept from going to school. It's vital that students enter their next year prepared and not behind. I have taught Pre-Algebra for several years to a variety of skill levels and have a proven track record of success. I have particular experience helping students who have great difficulties with elementary math required for Pre-Algebra, and with students who are struggling in Algebra and need assistance. I don't just teach "tricks": my goal is for students to truly understand their math. Having taught Singapore math for several years, I focus on modeling new and novel math problems. That means that much of the practice problems will require students to apply their skills in unfamiliar ways. This is hard at first but over time reaps powerful rewards. Studies show that a student's endurance in math work directly correlates with their ability. My goal is to increase my student's problem-solving attention span. 


Live Group Class


for 45 classes
5x per week, 9 weeks
45 min

Completed by 1 learner
Live video meetings
Ages: 12-15
4-12 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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