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Hymenoptera: Ants and Bees (Flex)

Learn about the social societies of ants and bees and their crucial ecological roles!
Arwen Hubbard
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Class Experience

US Grade 5 - 8
This five week flex course will explore the fascinating social lives of ants and bees. We will learn about the order of Hymenoptera, insect evolution and ecology, and then focus specifically on harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex) and honey bees (Apis).

We will pay careful attention to the life cycles, social structures, and ecological roles of these diverse insects. 

We will examine questions such as, but not limited to:

What is eusociality?
How did Hymenoptera evolve?
What are the similarities and differences between ants and bees?
What is the role of the queen or gyne?
Why metamorphize?
How do colony members communicate?
What is emergent behavior?
What are the life cycles of harvester ants and honey bees?

This is an asynchronous flex course. There are no live meetings. It is perfect for students who do not like to be on camera or live across different time zones. Students will learn by watching lectures, participating in written weekly discussions with others students and instructor, answering homework questions, taking weekly quizzes, and reading or watching additional weekly videos and/or articles. There will also be a weekly check in between the instructor and each student through Outschool’s messaging system.

Students will interact with each other through weekly structured discussions in the classroom. They are also encouraged to post questions and responses to the weekly lecture videos and additional materials. 

Weekly Schedule:

The week’s lesson will be posted on Sunday. It will include: 
Weekly checklist
Recorded video lectures by the instructor
Individual feedback and followup questions for the previous week’s assignments
Additional watching and reading material 
Discussion topics
Homework questions
Link to the week’s quiz

Learners should post their initial responses to the weekly discussion topics in the classroom by no later than Wednesday in order to give other students time to respond to them.

Weekly quiz due
Homework due
Weekly student/instructor check-in
Learners should post their responses to classmates’ discussion posts in the classroom by no later than Friday.

Class Discussion:
Participation in class discussions is key to a deeper and lasting understanding of the material! Students will be asked to think critically about up to three discussion topics related to the week’s material and post their responses in the classroom. They will also need to respond to a minimum of three other posts by their classmates. The instructor will encourage respectful conversation and exchange of ideas. 

Instructor student interaction:
In addition to interacting with the instructor through questions, discussion, and feedback on homework, the instructor and student will have a weekly check-in to evaluate the learner’s needs and progress together. 
The instructor is available for “Office Hours” to meet with the learner over video or voice upon request!

There is no textbook for this class. All necessary learning materials will be provided in the classroom.
There are no prerequisite classes for this course, just a love of learning and curiosity about these amazing six legged creatures. 
Classes are designed to encourage student engagement and follow their curiosity.

Week One: Introduction to Hymenoptera and Entomology

Week Two: Myrmecology - The Study of Ants

Week Three: Harvester Ants

Week Four: Melittology - The Study of Bees

Week Five: Honey Bees

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined December, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree from American Military University
Hello! My name is Arwen, and I am absolutely passionate about space science, the environment, and teaching! I offer courses about the solar system, planets, natural processes, soil, and the environment. I am a NASA Solar System Ambassador and science author. My Master's is in Space Science, and I have undergraduate degrees in Agricultural Ecology, and Natural Resource Management. I am currently working on a doctorate in STEM education. 

I believe curiosity and learning are human instincts. I try to honor that by asking the learners lots of questions and encouraging them to think about information in new ways.

When not teaching, you can find me hosting "Found in Space: A Science Podcast for Kids and Teens" or playing Dungeons and Dragons and exploring the Southwest with my three homeschooled kiddos and our cat named Eratosthenes! 

I like to keep class sizes small so each learner can get individualized and full attention. Please feel free to reach out.


Live Group Class



5 weeks
Completed by 22 learners
No live video meetings
Ages: 10-14

This class is no longer offered
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