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How to Tell Time

AJ Crocker
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In this 4 session class, students will learn how to identify the 2 hands on an analog clock, how to identify the current hour, count by 5s, and how to identify the current minute.

Class Experience

US Grade 1 - 3
Beginner - Intermediate Level
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Big hand, little hand
This lesson helps students identify the two hands on a clock. They will learn how to draw a clock, including where all 12 numbers are located. They will make observations about how the little hand and big hand move around the clock.
Lesson 2
What's the hour?
Students will be introduced to the way the BIG HAND shows us the current hour. Students will practice reading the big hand at various positions around the clock.
Lesson 3
What's the minute?
Students will practice counting by 5s and learn how each number correlates with a number of minutes in an hour. They will practice counting by 5s as they go around the clock. Then students will begin to identify different hours and minutes based on the location of the big and little hand.
Lesson 4
Tell time!
Students will practice drawing their own clocks and times, and challenge their classmates to tell the time they draw. Students will then take a quick assessment identifying 4 different times on an analog clock.
This class is taught in English.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: The assessment will be taken on the last day of class using a virtual worksheet. Students will be asked to tell time on 10 different clocks, and to draw the time on 3 different clocks.
Joined April, 2023
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
Master's Degree in Education from Colorado State University
Colorado Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Hi! My name is AJ! I am passionate about teaching reading, writing, music, and art. 
I am an experienced educator - 8 years in public school classrooms, and another 5 years teaching art, theater, and music for various organizations. I hold a... 
Group Class


for 4 classes
4x per week, 1 week
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 6-10
5-18 learners per class

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