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Happy Pages: Kids’ Guide to Joyful Journaling!

This class is designed to encourage social and emotional development through creating a journaling practice! We explore a variety of journaling styles and mindfulness tools. A unique, printable daily journal is included with enrollment!
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What's included

1 pre-recorded lesson
1 week
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content

Class Experience

Journaling is such an incredible tool for children in so many areas of their development and overall well-being. Journaling:

*Helps children feel empowered by enhancing creative problem-solving,
*Gives them space to work through their own emotions and experiences, 
*Stimulates imagination and creativity, and 
*Assists with their academic growth by providing unstructured and enjoyable writing 
   experiences and promoting a growth mindset. 

In a nutshell, journaling increases confidence, resilience, self-love, emotional development, and regulation. Having the time and space to write freely about their life validates children’s experiences and emotions, teaches them to care for and prioritize their emotional needs, and assists them in healing from difficult experiences.  

In this one-time class, students will be provided with printable journal pages that encourage a variety of journaling tools including:
~gratitude journaling, 
~daily intentions

The videos for this class are designed to encourage students to create an enjoyable journaling practice and include detailed explanations about, and examples of, all of the styles of journaling mentioned above. 

This class comes with a printable daily journal titled, “It’s a Good Day to Have a Good Day!”
The PDF of the journaling pages includes 8 unique pages (see class video for examples). Five of the pages are meant to be done each day as part of a daily journaling practice! You can print these pages as many times as you like and bind them or put them in a simple 3-ring binder. (If you prefer to purchase an already printed and bound copy of the journal, see learner supplies below for information on that).
Learning Goals
Students will explore a variety of journaling tools and styles to create their own daily reflection practice.
Students will learn how to incorporate gratitude, intentions and positive affirmations into their day.
learning goal


1 Lesson
over 1 Week
Lesson 1:
It's A Good Day to Have a Good Day!
 This course is all about how to create a fun and enjoyable journaling practice that improves confidence, resilience, free expression, emotional regulation, personal empowerment, and SELF-LOVE! 
In this course we discuss: 
~how and why to establish a journaling habit/practice.
~the power of purposeful intention setting
~how to create and use positive affirmations
~freewriting for emotional expression and discovery
~gratitude as a consistent tool and practice

Get ready to journal! 
23 mins of video lessons

Other Details

Supply List
Students will be provided with a pdf printable journal once they are enrolled in the class. They should have all 8 pages printed for the start of class. Parents can re-print the 5 daily journal pages as needed after class. Students should also have a pen or pencil available and a comfortable space for writing. If you prefer to purchase the already bound copy of the journal, you can do that here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTFDBLHC?ref_=ast_author_ofdp
 1 file available upon enrollment
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have been an avid and consistent journaler for over twenty years. I teach meditation, breathwork, reflective journaling, and other mindfulness classes to children of all ages (including adults)! I am a certified yoga and mindfulness instructor and a true believer in the power of having a consistent journaling practice. 

I believe prioritizing moments of quiet reflection each morning can have an incredibly positive effect on our day and life! Please join me and feel the difference for yourself! 


Self-Paced Class


for all content
1 pre-recorded lesson
1 week of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Choose your start date
Ages: 7-12

Enroll Now, Start Anytime
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