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Greek Mythology for Beginners: Introduction to the Olympic Gods PART 2! (FLEX)

Sydney Phelps
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(343)
Have you fallen in love with Greek mythology? I have more great MAGNIFICENT stories for you in this 4 week course! The god of wine (Dionysus) & reason (Apollo), the goddess of wisdom (Athena) & the hunt (Artemis) are covered in this part!

Class experience

US Grade 2 - 5
Beginner Level
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
The amazing birth, ministry, and glorification of the half-god, half-mortal, wholly-extraordinary Dionysus!
 Week 2
Lesson 2
All about an evenhanded goddess living in unapproachable dazzling light.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Poseidon, Leto, Apollo
Poseidon is the master of the seas, but have you heard how he met and wooed his wife? Leto is another woman who meets with the wrath of Hera. Apollo, the glorious god of light and reason, accomplishes breath-taking feats!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo and the goddess of the hunt, is kind to her followers and those in need, but sometimes cold and ruthless.
Students will be exposed to great literature of Greek myths. They will hear some of the most common stories of the greatest gods.
Homework Offered
Homework is optional. I will add some fun personal and comprehension questions to the classroom page on each Monday so you can test yourself on what you remember from the story and build relationships with the other students in class! If you prefer, the questions can simply be talked over with a loved one. If you would like to share your answers, I will respond to each student’s comments and/or answers in the Outschool classroom throughout the week. I will correct any wrong answers (to the comprehension questions only), and supply any answers that the students could not remember.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Please see answer to the "homework" section above. The questions I will post in the classroom page are a way to informally assess how your student is doing!
Grades Offered
Almost synonymous with "Greek mythology" are dark elements such as revenge, killing, suicide, death, imprisonment, eating one's offspring(!), love, and adultery.  D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths is a highly recommended book (check it out on Amazon!) written specifically for children, so these elements are not over emphasized. However, they are not completely edited out, nor are they explicitly interpreted. I will not interpret these things in class so that you can share with your learner if you would like. :) 

**I can send you a sample story from the book if you are curious or concerned with how these themes are handled!**
I will be drawing mostly from "D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths" and occasionally from: "Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology: The Age of Fable" and Edith Hamilton's "Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes" to tell each myth in a full and clear way accessible to young learners! 
Joined June, 2020
**1) Classes Taught:**

I specialize in teaching courses that focus on introducing literature, critical thinking, and history to young learners. My repertoire includes classes on reading, mythology, literature, and logic, offering students a... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $24 for all content
4 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

Completed by 10 learners
Ages: 7-11

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