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Fantasy Writing Workshop (Ongoing) - Novels, Short Stories, Etc.

Rebecca Schwanke (A.A. & B.A. in English)
Average rating:5.0Number of reviews:(219)
Ongoing Creative Writing as students work toward the completion of a project while enjoying entertaining lessons with like-minded storytellers. Covering literary elements, popular topics, and providing useful one-on-one feedback.

Class experience

US Grade 6 - 9
Story Structure
Character Development
Building Conflict
I am a dedicated writer of over 20+ years. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing and Literature studies. I publish through several different types of self-publishing companies and have knowledge concerning the 'brick and mortar' ones. 

10+ Years of Education Experience. 
I have experience working with many unique students and am always happy to do what I can to make their time with me meaningful. My message box is open 24/7 - One-on-one messaging is always encouraged for anyone who needs further assistance.
Either access to a digital writing source or a pen and paper. 
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Dark Woods, Abusive Step Mothers, Kidnapping, Grimm, Death, Dungeons, War, Battles, Dark Magic, Witches, Children in danger...

I approach these topics with an understanding that a few might be a little heavy on a younger audience. We work together and lighten the topic to avoid discomfort by any means. 
Joined October, 2018
Hello everyone! Thank you for considering joining one of my classes. 

My approach to learning: Make it a fun environment that cultivates a student's talents & interests. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in English - Creative Writing and Literature.  I... 
Group Class


1x per week
50 min

Completed by 74 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-16
3-10 learners per class

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