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(FLEX) Veterinary Medicine Introduction | Explore the World of Vets (10-12 YO)

In this flex course, students explore the world of a veterinarian through both vet science education and practical skill introduction. This course inspires curiosity about animals. No live video classes.
Animals, Science, & Veterinary: Kid Vet, LLC:
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What's included

0 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content
REQUIRED: For a successful unit in vet med, after class students are expected to: - Ask questions and conversate, let me know your passions - Participate in the weekly discussion thread as conversationally as possible - Participate in the X-Ray and Diganosis game in Week 4 - Review any notes taken in class because there is a lot of information here OPTIONAL: These tasks are created and presented to give the student more in their journey of study: - Supplemental videos and articles - Supplemental discussion threads
There is no formal assessment; however, I can check in with parents weekly and provide student feedback daily.

Class Experience

US Grade 5 - 8
Beginner Level
🏅 Taught by a September 2023 Outschool-Awarded Rising Star, Popular Badged teacher, this class was the first short-course camp turned asynchronous of it's kind on Outschool. 🏅 

In this 4-week flex course on veterinary medicine, I offer an immersive journey into the fascinating world of vet care. While there are no live video classes, I provide a comprehensive general introduction the life and culture of veterinary professionals. 

With almost two decades of experience in the veterinary field, including a university degree and then a shift toward animal education and advocacy in 2014, I've designed this course specifically for students who have no prior hands-on experience. It serves as a detailed foundation to prepare them for the excitement and challenges of veterinary medicine.

I urge you to explore our course syllabus, outlined day by day below. Please note that we don't focus on the mere memorization of body parts and vitals. Instead, our holistic approach examines various facets of veterinary medicine. We aim to nurture critical thinking and lifelong curiosity, encouraging students to hypothesize, synthesize, and theorize.

My goal is to provide students with pre-recorded exciting video instruction that ignites their curiosity and aids in their personal development. I offer visual aids and professional video demonstrations of practical skills. In addition, I encourage student interaction and discussion where I can provide supplemental videos and articles tailored to each student's interests within the classroom. Weekly study questions and discussion topics are posted weekly. Moreover, students have the opportunity to make their own diagnoses, although it's essential to clarify that we do not diagnose student pets or real animals per OS Policies and US Federal Law.

Our course emphasizes student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction, including:
♦ Discussion questions on the message board
♦ Personal reflection and discussion
♦ Interactive games like "this or that" and "choices in medicine"
♦ An engaging x-ray diagnosis game
♦ Real-life video examples

There is no required knowledge coming into the course, however this course serves as a steppingstone into additional next classes students are eligible to complete. Student passions shape the direction of this course because I believe in your success today and in the future. I am dedicated to fostering a learning environment that encourages growth and exploration.

✨ WEEK 1: Welcome to the Veterinary World
- Students will learn about the role of veterinarians
- Students will be introduced to Fields of veterinary care
- Students will learn about several famous veterinarians
- Students will be introduced to the one tip for animal career success

✨ WEEK 2: Preparing for the Vet School 
- Students will be introduced to mindset and 'Defining your Why'
- Prepare to play a This or That choices game in classroom debate via the classroom
- Discuss similarities and differences in the types of veterinary care from Week 1
- Create a platform in which discussion is encouraged on many critical thinking topics

✨ WEEK 3: Welcome to Vet School
- To start with I review and teach you how to measure with a syringe
- We will discuss the most basic vaccines and how to administer
- A Rising Component: Low Cost Clinics and Do-It-Yourself Vaccines

✨ WEEK 4: Hello, Dr! 
- Learn how x-rays are taken and the importance of radiation
- Play Guess The X-Ray (students try to diagnose what is wrong; I will answer students in the classroom)

🙋‍♀️ Welcome to the class! I cannot wait to meet you! 🖐

- There is a live taught course version: 

- Advanced Fast-Paced Vet Course Next in Series:

Learning Goals

- Students willl have a global understanding of 11 different veterinary fields possible to enter
- Students will learn about 7 famous veterinarians and how medicine has been shaped because of their influence
- Students will be able to compare and contrast wildlife and domestic animal care
- Students will be able to summarize how to dose and measure medication and fluids as well as how to draw blood
- Students will have a short video presentation on select vaccines, flea and tick prevention, and worm control
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
There are no inappropriate topics. Some students may find interest in reproductive interests though, and these conversations will be strictly centered to breeding of animals and identified, factual based research. Other students may find an interest in surgeries or other injury situations. Topics will be addressed as supplemental only. Please message me if you have concerns so that we may discuss a solution for your child.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science from North Carolina State University
Kaitlyn Krotchko
I worked in animal science and veterinary medicine from 2004-2014 and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelors in Science, Animal Science pre-vet with a minor and concentrations. I moved into education of animal species in 2014 and am prepared for this course.


Self-Paced Class



1 pre-recorded lesson
4 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content
Completed by 34 learners
Choose your start date
Ages: 10-12

Not Accepting Enrollments
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