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Draw Your Patron Animal

Deborah Ewing
Average rating:4.8Number of reviews:(1,494)
In this 3-session self-paced art course, students will learn to blend a painted background and draw with a lighter color to produce a beautiful Patron Animal.

Class experience

US Grade 5 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate Level
3 lessons//3 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Painting the Background
We will paint the background with blue, white and black acrylic paints. While painting, students will think about their favorite animals, what traits are most appealing to them, and consider their favorite animal for the drawing.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Drawing the Patron Animal
Students will practice drawing their chosen animal. Having printed images and/or google search images available for study and copy is strongly recommended. Teacher help will be available as needed.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Finishing the Art
We will redraw the animal on the painting with pencil and trace with a paint marker (strongly recommended; see materials list. Then we will use white chalk to blend around the outside of the animal to give a mysterious, wispy effect.
As a licensed art teacher, I have developed techniques for breaking down drawing lessons into simple, easy-to-follow steps. Once we get the basics done, I give my students freedom to complete their project using their own imagination, thereby giving them the opportunity to take what I have taught them to a different, fun and creative level.
Homework Offered
Not required, but students are welcome and encouraged to work on assignments and practice further between class sessions.
Assessments Offered
Informal assessments will take place during class in the form of teacher observation and possible suggestions (as requested by students).
Grades Offered
Certificates of Completion will be offered upon parent completion of class feedback. Letter or Number grades will be offered per parent request.
Students will need the following supplies:
(I found all of the following inexpensively at Walmart; another option is to order them from Amazon)
paper for writing
sketch or drawing paper
pencil, sharpener, eraser
Acrylic paint (can be craft paint in bottles, or artist's paint in tubes)
Heavy watercolor paper or canvas panel, any size between 8X10 and 11X14 is ideal
Art or Craft Paint brush, 3/4 to 1"
White Sharpie paint marker (oil based) or white acrylic paint marker 
White chalk (I found a box of 12 pieces of white Crayola chalk at Dollar Tree for $1)
Also: Bowl of water, newspaper to place under the painting, and paper towels to blot brush during painting session. An apron or old shirt is also strongly recommended, as acrylic paint does not easily wash out of clothes.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Any kinds of images students can find of the animal(s) they are interested in drawing.
Joined May, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education
Bachelor's Degree in Music/Theater/Arts
Colorado Teaching Certificate
Hello! I am a K-12 licensed art teacher. and professional artist. I teach all kinds of art, including drawing, painting, pottery, fibers, sculpture, art history and culture, and frequently integrate math, literacy and other subjects with my art... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $48 for all content
3 pre-recorded lessons
3 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Completed by 1 learner
Ages: 12-14

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