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Fall Piano Course for Beginners!

In this 8 week course, learners will pick up on the very basics to learning piano!
Kristen Swenson
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What's included

8 live meetings
4 in-class hours

Class Experience

No previous knowledge required! This class is perfect for students with little to no experience!
Week 1: Learners will learn about how to sit at the piano, learn about wrists and fingertips while playing, learn about piano and forte, and finger numbers
Week 2: Learners will learn about the black key groups and read the first song while saying finger numbers out loud. They will also learn about what a steady beat is, the metronome and quarter notes and half notes. Old Macdonald will be taught!
Week 3: Learners will learn about whole notes, dotted half notes, and the introduction to the staff which includes the treble clef and bass clef. Learners will also get practice drawing the bass and treble clef! The Musical Alphabet will be introduced as well!
Week 4: Learners will learn about Middle C and read through songs on the staff using middle C and about musical scales! Bass F will also be introduced as well as Treble G. They will learn certain tricks regarding Bass F and Treble G and how they connect to the two staves.
Week 5: Treble D-E-F will be introduced as well as Bass A, B, and G. They will learn about time signatures including 3/4 and 4/4. 
Week 6: New songs Russian Folk Dance, The Dance Band will be taught. Continue work on reading notes on the staff.
Week 7: Skips vs. steps! How to be able to tell the difference on the staff!
Week 8: Yankee Doodle! Also begin instruction on the pedal and why pianists use it. (It's OK if student doesn't own a pedal)

Other Details

External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Piano Adventures Primer Level Lesson Book
Joined March, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from University of Nebraska Lincoln
Bachelor's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Western Washington University
Hi I am Kristen and I am a classically trained singer and pianist! I received my Bachelors in music performance from Western Washington University and received my Masters in music performance from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Since then I have been teaching private voice and piano and performing locally. I have extensive performance experience in several different musical genres including musical theatre, opera, ragtime, contemporary, jazz, operetta etc.

I believe it is essential for music lessons to include music theory and music notation. Having a good understanding of what everything on the page means will only make it easier as you move forward.
Music has the power to bring an abundance of joy and fulfillment to one's life and it certainly has done that for mine. I consider it an honor to teach music and all that it entails. It is so rewarding to watch my students constantly overcome obstacles and choose to keep coming back week after week. 
I also hold a yearly recital and occasional masterclasses to receive more performance experience. I look forward to joining and supporting you on your musical journey!
The music related class I teach include Opera through story telling, beginning-advanced piano, reading music, singing, auditioning 101, ear training, music notation, harmonizing, and ukulele! I can honestly say that music has changed my life completely. Without it, my life would not be the same. I am so lucky to be where I am today because of the incredible teachers that helped me and that’s exactly what I want to do for you! I am so excited to see you in class!


Live Group Class


for 8 classes
1x per week, 8 weeks
30 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
3-7 learners per class

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