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Exploring 3D Art: Cardboard Sculpture, Basket Weaving, Paper-Mache, and More!

Teresa Audet, M.F.A.
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This ongoing weekly art class focuses on three-dimensional art projects using everyday materials.

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 7
Beginner - Intermediate Level
  • Students will gain understanding of three-dimensional art techniques and materials. They will grow their sense of artistic identity, foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and learn to articulate the ideas and choices they made in their artwork.
Ms. Teresa teaches art workshops to kids of all ages at her local library, public elementary schools, and craft schools nationwide. This 3D art class is loosly based off a University-level course she taught in the past, and is adapted to fit the needs of young artists. 
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: We will be working on each project for 3-5 weeks and there will be optional homework available for students who wish to work outside of class time. For these projects, students will share their work at the start of class and we will check-in individually.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Parents of students attending class regularly can request a meeting for an individual assessment of your child’s growth and needs. In-class discussions will provide assessments for students while working on their projects.
Materials for this class should be basic art materials available at home or at a low cost at most stores. This might include drawing paper, construction and colored paper, scissors, gluesticks, white glue, masking tape, markers, crayons, colored pencils, oil pastels, paintbrushes, watercolor paints, acrylic paints, recycled plastics and cardboard materials, metal wire, yarn, fabric, sewing needle and thread, etc. *Class supply list may contain affiliate marketing links 

Specific materials needed for each class will be listed in the weeks before class starts. Instructions will be provided to guide students through each project. 
This class requires the use of scissors 
Joined November, 2023
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelor's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Hi, I'm Teresa! I have been a professional artist and educator for over 15 years. I spend my days in my woodworking studio creating art or teaching others how to do the same.

Use code AUDETTRYME5 for $5 off your first class with me!

The classes... 
Group Class


1x per week
50 min

Completed by 12 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-13
3-6 learners per class

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