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Excel Math 6 – Percent, Fraction, and Decimal Conversions

Students will master their skills related to percent, decimal, and fraction conversions through practice and expert conceptual development! A perfect class for students in Math 6 (or students in Math 5 or Math 7).
Chris Reger (M.Ed.)
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What's included

1 live meeting
1 in-class hours

Class Experience

US Grade 6
In this 60 minute course, students will master their skills in converting between percentages, fractions, and decimals. Mastery of this skill will rapidly improve students' math fluency and prepare them for success in future middle school mathematics courses.

Concepts Covered:
Specifically, students will learn and practice the following:
*Converting percentages to fractions and decimals
*Converting fractions to percentages and decimals
*Converting decimals to fractions and percentages
*Understanding how these values are equivalent representations of each other

Recommended For:
This course is recommended for students currently taking Math 6 or Accelerated Math 6. In addition, this course may serve as advanced preparation for students currently taking Math 5 or who students in Math 7 who are seeking a refresher of their skills.

Collaborative Learning:
This course will utilize collaborative learning, a set of structures that encourages students to communicate at a high-level while ensuring equal participation and simultaneous interaction. Communication among classmates is a hallmark of collaborative learning. In a traditional classroom, students work alone and are asked to be quiet unless prompted. Only the teacher or a single student is speaking at a given time. With collaborative learning, however, students use language to ask and answer questions, ask for and offer help, explain ideas and opinions, and positively encourage their peers. Research studies have consistently demonstrated that the use of collaborative learning leads to improvements in motivation, empathy, internal locus of control, self-esteem, and a love of learning.

Parent Enthusiasm:
"Groundbreaking experience - my child ASKED SPECIFICALLY FOR ANOTHER MATH CLASS after this one! Chris is a fantastic teacher and really seems to connect kids to the subject. Very highly recommended!" - Annamaria
"The course went above and beyond what I was expecting. My son enjoyed the class, and that’s really rare for him given how quickly students get bored nowadays." - Jina
"I just don’t think teachers are being trained to teach like this - to use effective collaboration among students and being able to monitor their work to ensure it’s done correctly." - Audrie
"It’s not common for my daughter to enjoy classes, but she LOVED it" - Shyama
"My daughter’s learning style has changed and school is so much easier this year. I wish we had found you years ago. There is no one who can do what you do." - Lydia
"This class really helped my son. It was exciting, interactive, and he felt safe to work on the theory alongside others. Great teacher and content. We will be booking more classes." - Asha

Other Details

Supply List
A one-page handout for the first portion of class will be provided. In addition, students should come prepared with a notebook for scratch paper and a pencil.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined October, 2018
Teacher expertise and credentials
In my 15+ years as a teacher, tutor and mentor, I have worked with over 1,000 students across numerous math subjects (Elementary Math, Middle School Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus) and 100’s more on their college entrance exams (ACTs, SATs, and PSATs). Given the remarkable success I’ve had with students, I’ve also had the opportunity to coach and support hundreds of early-career teachers.  Here’s what you can expect while working with me:

* Teaching Style *

Students don’t learn by listening. They learn by doing! And given my extensive experience teaching academic math and standardized test prep, I know how to guide students step-by-step through what they need to learn. Furthermore, my teaching style is influenced by modern learning theory which emphasizes building a conceptual understanding of the material at hand (as opposed to memorizing tricks or shortcuts) and providing the most effective scaffolding of content while practicing the material. Not only that, but I strongly believe that learning should be fun! Making content engaging and exciting is just another way to ensure that what we learn sticks!

* Student Results and Scores *

My academic students routinely report growing their math skills by 3+ years in a single school year and improving their grades from C’s and D’s to A’s! My standardized-test-prep students regularly improve their ACT composite scores by 4+ points and their overall SAT scores by 250+ points! These improvements have led to students advancing into accelerated math tracks, earning significant scholarships, and gaining admittance to our country’s top universities.

* What You Can Expect *

While I’m very proud of my students' academic results, I'm much more excited by the personal growth they achieve while working with me. I’ve seen students transform into gritty problem-solvers, big-picture thinkers, and creative innovators in very short periods of time. After working with students, I routinely hear them say the following - “Wow! This makes so much more sense than how my teacher explains things,” “This is the most fun I’ve ever had learning something,” and “I believe I can succeed in class now.” I’m truly excited to help you and your child learn at the highest level!


Live One-Time Class


per class

Meets once
60 min
Completed by 171 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-12
3-12 learners per class

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