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Draw Your Pet Camp!

Nikki Toews
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In this 5-day 1-week camp, you will learn useful techniques to capture your pet's portrait realistically and accurately in pencil!

Class Experience

  • Students will learn to draw more accurately using the grid technique. They will improve their ability to draw fur and eyes through specific pencil strokes and blending techniques, and they will learn critical observation skills to draw what they SEE, not what they THINK they should see.
The teacher has been selling high-quality commissioned pet portraits for the past 4 years, having over 20 years of experience pencil sketching animals.
 1 file available upon enrollment
-Pencil set (or HB pencil) -Sketchpad or printer paper -Eraser -Pencil sharpener -Ruler -Blending stump (or Q-tips) -A photo of your pet -*Mechanical pencil (*optional)
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined May, 2020
I'm Nikki, a teacher and visual artist living in Winnipeg, Canada. I have been drawing from the moment I could hold a crayon! Specializing in realism, I have over 20 years of experience pencil sketching, and over 15 years of experience in acrylic... 
Group Class


for 5 classes
5x per week, 1 week
50 min

Completed by 125 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-15
4-8 learners per class

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