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Draw & Paint a Spring Flower Garden

Stephanie Barr
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In the one time class students will draw and paint a lovely flower garden using easy techniques to create a masterful Spring garden. #creative

Class Experience

  • Students have the opportunity to learn to recognize shapes as they draw Students have the opportunity to learn various watercolor techniques Students have the opportunity to learn to compliment other artists and their creations
Stephanie is an artist, VA state certified k-12 art educator and an arts in healthcare professional. She has led arts engagement activities with students between 3 and 103yr old for over 20yrs. Stephanie is an expert at empowering creatives, building confidence through arts engagements and helping others acknowledge the value of art and artistic practices in their lives. 
Watercolor or mixd media paper
drawing paper
sharpie marker
watercolor paint, water, brush and paper towel
Joined March, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Virginia Teaching Certificate in Music/Theater/Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from Virginia Commonwealth University
Hi there! 
I teach visual arts and visual arts related classes for kids, pre-teens, teens, those with physical & intellectual differences, healthy adults, those dealing with healthcare challenges and those with memory care needs. Here on Outschool... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
50 min

Completed by 5 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-10
3-6 learners per class

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