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Dragon Eye: Rock Painting (Acrylic)

Teacher Amanda Bestor
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Paint a beautiful dragon eye rock with acrylic paint on your chosen rock. Learn to create a shiny, realistic, bright eye with blending and layering techniques.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Beginner - Intermediate Level
  • - How to set up a painting space and how to care for acrylic painting tools.
  • - How to blend and layer paint.
  • - How to use various brushes and household supplies to paint.
  • Students will learn: - Why I love painting and find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable hobby.
  • -The goal is to leave with a finished or almost finished dragon eye rock.
This class is designed to give ideas of how a student could modify a class to add their own creativity and showcase their own interest and direction.
Acrylic paint in a 3 colors depending of the pupil that you would like.
Pupil color choices- any three colors (greens, purples, reds, blues)
Green pupil: Light, medium, and dark green
Blue Pupil: Light, medium, and dark blue
Red Pupil: Red orange, yellow
A large rock (3-5 inches wide that is flat and smooth) 
Black, white, gold or bronze acrylic paint
A few toothpicks, Qu-tips, brushes (small, medium)
A cup for water
A paper towel

Optional: Clear acrylic gloss

One idea, there is also spray mod podge-
If you choose to purchase the clear acrylic gloss, then your student may need help to spray this on their rock outside after they are all done painting. 

One idea, there is also spray mod podge-
Joined May, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
Montana Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Note: Please ❤️ and follow my profile so you are notified when I post new classes.  :) 

As an educator, I think I have one of the greatest jobs in the world! I love the Outschool platform and how I can teach students all over the world. My classes... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
40 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
2-10 learners per class

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