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Discovering LGBTQ+ Studies, Culture, & History for Teens (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Kai Kafferly, PhD
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Star Educator
This semester & full curriculum high school class helps students to understand the growth and development of the LGBTQ+ community. This introduction includes history, literature and art, media, culture, challenges, losses & triumphs.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Beginner - Intermediate Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS)
13 lessons//13 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
🌍 CHAPTER 1: LGBTQ+ History
Embark on a journey through time as we unravel the ancient world through the 19th century, exploring the often overlooked roots of LGBTQ+ history. From ancient civilizations to pre-modern societies, discover the rich tapestry of queer existence throughout history. 🌈
 Week 2
Lesson 2
💼 CHAPTER 2: Constructing the Modern Homosexual
Delve into the intriguing world of Victorian times and the birth of sexology. Explore how societal constructs and scientific inquiry shaped the modern understanding of homosexuality, paving the way for both progress and oppression. 🌈
 Week 3
Lesson 3
🏳️‍🌈 CHAPTERS 3 & 4: Toward Liberation & Stonewall and Beyond
From the media portrayal of homosexuality to the pivotal moments of the AIDS activism era, join us as we trace the journey toward LGBTQ+ liberation. Explore the courage of Stonewall and the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance. 🌈
 Week 4
Lesson 4
🔬 CHAPTER 5: Nature, Nurture, & Identity
Dive deep into the groundbreaking research of Kinsey and the ongoing quest to understand the complex interplay of nature, nurture, and identity within the LGBTQ+ community. Examine the evolving scientific discourse surrounding the "gay gene" and its implications for identity. 🌈
 Week 5
Lesson 5
🤝 CHAPTER 6: Inclusion & Equality
Explore the global struggle for civil and human rights through the lens of LGBTQ+ activism. From landmark legal battles to grassroots advocacy, uncover the diverse voices and movements working toward inclusion and equality for all. 🌈
 Week 6
Lesson 6
🌟 CHAPTER 7: Queer Diversities
Celebrate the vibrant spectrum of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences as we highlight the stories of individuals and allies. From personal narratives to community resilience, embrace the beauty of queer diversities. 🌈
 Week 7
Lesson 7
🔀 CHAPTER 8: Intersectionalities
Analyze the complex intersections between LGBTQ+ identities and other social factors such as race, gender, and class. Explore the unique challenges and experiences faced by LGBTQ+ individuals at the intersections of multiple identities. 🌈
 Week 8
Lesson 8
🎨 CHAPTERS 9 & 10: Homosexed Art & Literature
Immerse yourself in the world of LGBTQ+ representation in art, literature, and media. From iconic works of queer art to groundbreaking literature, explore the diverse expressions of LGBTQ+ identity through creative mediums. 🌈
 Week 9
Lesson 9
🏳️‍⚧️ CHAPTER 11: Queer Transgressions
Discover the emergence of queer theory and its profound impact on art, politics, and society. Explore how queer thinkers have challenged norms, disrupted boundaries, and redefined notions of identity and power. 🌈
 Week 10
Lesson 10
🚫 CHAPTER 12: Censorship & Moral Panic
Examine instances of censorship and moral outrage surrounding LGBTQ+ content, from historical persecutions to contemporary controversies. Investigate the societal forces at play and the ongoing fight for artistic and intellectual freedom. 🌈
 Week 11
Lesson 11
🎥 CHAPTERS 13 & 14: Film and Television & Queers and the Internet
Explore the evolving landscape of LGBTQ+ representation in film, television, and digital media. From classic films to viral hashtags, examine the power of media in shaping perceptions and fostering community. 🌈
 Week 12
Lesson 12
🏙️ CHAPTER 15: The Politics of Location
Learn about alternative media platforms and the quest for queer spaces within physical and digital landscapes. Explore the politics of location and the importance of creating inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ individuals. 🌈
 Week 13
Lesson 13
🏁 The Final Project
It's time to showcase all the knowledge and creativity you've gained throughout this incredible journey. Your final project is your chance to make your mark on the world of LGBTQ+ studies. Let your voice be heard! 🏳️‍🌈 ⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️
  • 1. Analyze how concepts of gender and sexuality are created, maintained, and/or challenged through embodiment, cultural representations, and/or social organization. 2. Describe the social construction of gender and sexuality and explain who these constructions are shaped by the time, location, and culture that they are situated in. 3. Explain how theories of gender and sexuality have been influenced by and influence their social contexts. 4. Explain how identities associated with gender and sexuality intersect with other identities (e.g., race, class, ability) to situate individuals within interlocking systems of power (e.g., sexism, classism, heterosexism, racism) and how these intersections shape identities, social interaction, cultural artifacts, and social structures. 5. Explain how the concepts and theories of gender and sexuality studies align with, challenge, or enhance the concepts and theories in their chosen field of study. 6. Apply concepts and theories related to gender and sexuality studies to a disciplinary or interdisciplinary creative, scholarly, and/or activist project. 7. Gain relevant and meaningful insight into LGBT+ past and present including underground works, liberation, queer artists, pre-stonewall, ancient times, transgressions, and learn about every single term covered under the umbrella of the LGBTQ community as a whole (LGBTQPQIAANGB...)
🧑‍🏫 Teacher Expertise:

I have taught elective courses in LGBTQ Studies, as well as African-American Studies, Women's Rights Studies, Cultural Anthropology, and studies of various other minority cultures and communities at the high school level. With a background in Social Sciences and as a Social Studies educator, I'm consistently engaged in addressing issues affecting diverse populations. This particularly pertains to those who have had to fight for equal rights under the law and those who, despite having legal rights, still face unequal treatment.

I firmly believe in the importance of educating the next generation about different communities, including their history, culture, challenges, victories, and the issues that have shaped these communities. This commitment extends to the LGBTQ+ community, a group I am personally a part of, as a cisgender gay male who uses He/His/Him pronouns.

🍎 My Teaching Approach:

My journey in education has been enriched by a pursuit of knowledge, including several EDU college credits alongside my undergraduate degrees and a graduate degree in education. Informed by educational theories like constructivism, humanism, realism, idealism, and brain-based learning, I've honed my craft as a high school teacher, embracing the roles of guide, coach, and mentor.

I have adopted a contemporary teaching approach, one thoroughly examined by scholars and supported by compelling statistics. This approach has proven successful in traditional brick-and-mortar schools as well as in virtual educational settings. In my master's and doctoral programs in higher education, it is the cornerstone of our pedagogical philosophy.

As professional educators, we recognize the shift away from lengthy lectures. We aim to be coaches, guides, and mentors. When students present questions, I often guide them to explore answers through internet research, promoting critical thinking and resource evaluation. The same approach is applied when reviewing homework, as I ask supplementary questions that go beyond the textbook, encouraging further exploration.

Through these methods, I empower students not only to learn but to understand how to learn as responsible adults. They gain control over their education, a valuable skill if harnessed effectively.
2 - 4 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: 3-6 per week
Feedback: As needed
Details: 🎒 I want to assure you that the homework assignments may seem extensive at first glance, but they are designed to be manageable, flexible, and adaptable to each student's individual needs and abilities because this is self-paced. Their well-being and comfort are paramount in my class. 🚫 If you enroll your teen into the "Outschool Unlimited" (subscription) option there is no teacher interaction & the homework is optional. Students work at their own pace. No student should ever feel stressed or overwhelmed in my class. I understand that every student is unique and may have different capabilities and requirements. Here's an overview of the homework schedule for each lesson: 1.) 📺 Watch the Teacher Pre-Recorded Video: ~Review & summarization of the last lesson ~Introduction to the next lesson and chapter(s) 2.) 🎞️ Watch the Chapter(s) Introduction video(s) 3.) ☂️ Watch the "LGBTQ+ Umbrella" Definitions Video 4.) 📝 Complete Two to Three Chapter Assignments. In the FINAL lesson (week 13), there will be a pre-recorded video of the teacher and only one assignment, which will be the Final Project. Be assured that I am here to offer support, address questions, and provide guidance for up to 13 full weeks after your teen starts the class if enrolled as a self-paced student. Your teen's success and enjoyment are my primary concerns.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: 🗃️ Even though I don't rely on standard assessments or tests, my approach is more akin to a "portfolio" system. I assess students taking into consideration the following criteria: 🚫 If you enroll your teen into the "Outschool Unlimited" (subscription) option there is no teacher interaction and assessments are not available. 1. Active engagement with the weekly assignments. 2. Thoroughness and dedication demonstrated in their work on weekly assignments, review quizzes, and the final project. 3. Overall engagement in the class as a whole. 🤗 Let's collaborate to foster a positive and enriching learning experience for your teen. If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to share them with me via a private message through your Outschool Parent Account at any time throughout the course! Together, we can ensure a supportive and conducive environment for your teen's education.
Letter Grade
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: 💯 For parents who wish to receive a grade and certificate for this class: 🚫 If you enroll your teen into the "Outschool Unlimited" (subscription) option there is no teacher interaction and grades and/or a certificate of completion are not available. I can issue a certificate of completion for this class along with a letter grade and one credit for homeschool purposes for self-paced learners only if needed, requested, and by the 3rd day after the 13 weeks have ended. You can easily copy, paste, and print the Learning Outcomes and Syllabus sections to showcase your teenager's progress. When your teen finishes 100% of all of the lessons and postings in this self-paced class, simply send me a private message through your Outschool Parent Account to request the certificate of completion if you wish to have one, but I will only be available to give grades or answer private messages for 13 weeks from the time your teen started the class since this self-paced class is only 13 weeks long. All of the assignments, projects, and postings for all of the lessons must be completed by the end of the 13th week from the start date of the class to receive a certificate of completion. The unofficial certificate of completion will include the student's first name, "Outschool," the course name, the course's end date, my full name and title as the Outschool teacher, 1 credit, and a final letter grade ranging from A to D-. It's worth noting that I don't fail any students, as I believe that everyone, regardless of their level of involvement, gains valuable knowledge from the class. It's important to note that these assessments are tailored to each student's unique needs, abilities, challenges, and issues. Just as instruction is personalized, assessments are also individualized and crucial for the progress of each student. A = Excellent B = Great C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement
 3 files available upon enrollment
💥 Students should prepare the following items before the start of class: 📕 1. A free PDF of the book will be available to all students in the classroom in the very first posting welcoming them to the class. If you prefer a hard copy of the textbook, you can order "Finding Out: An Introduction to LGBTQ Studies" 2nd Edition by Jonathan Alexander, Deborah T. Meem, and Michelle A. Gibson. ISBN-13: 978-1452235288. 🎨 2. For Self-Paced Students Only: Canva Accounts: Teens are required to create free Canva accounts to design virtual posters (.jpg) and online slideshows (.mp4), download them to their computers, and then upload them to the classroom as attachments. Parents may need to help their students in setting up Canva accounts and guide them on different ways to create slideshows, presentations, and photo collages. Creating a Canva account is easy using this link: https://www.canva.com/. 🔔 It is crucial that students familiarize themselves with these materials before the class begins.
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
👉 This high school class is a unique opportunity for students who possess a high level of maturity, an open mind, and a genuine desire to learn about complex and crucial topics. I want to stress that this course draws from a college-level curriculum, and as such, we will be exploring some adult themes. My mission is to provide a deep understanding of various aspects of LGBTQ+ studies, which may include sensitive subjects and content.

👉 Throughout this class, we will engage in thoughtful discussions through the assignments about a wide range of topics, such as gender, sexual expression, transgender issues, sexology, and the diverse identities within the LGBTQ+ community. We'll also delve into important subjects like gay and lesbian experiences, bisexuality, pansexuality, intersexuality, questioning, and queerness. In addition, we'll explore a variety of other significant themes, including asexuality, romantic orientations, the fight for marriage equality, the vibrant world of drag queens and drag kings, as well as the harsh realities of bullying and challenges within the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems.

👉 This course isn't just about facts; it's about empathy and understanding. We'll take a close look at the equal rights movement and delve into the history of HIV/AIDS, discussing the impact it has had on the LGBTQ+ community. We will also touch on the intersection of LGBTQ+ issues with racial matters, exploring the incredible history of activism and the historical riots that have shaped the path toward acceptance and equality.

As we journey through the LGBTQ+ experience, we'll even explore the captivating world of LGBTQ+ pulp novels and the compelling photo history that documents this community's rich heritage.

👉 However, it's essential to recognize that some of the videos and images we will encounter may include explicit content or artistic representations from the past as we study history, protests, and riots. This content may evoke strong emotions or act as triggers for some students. My goal is to provide a safe and inclusive space for all participants, and Outschool & I expect everyone to show mutual respect and understanding. Hate speech in any form will not be tolerated. Students or parents engaging in hate speech will face removal from the class, with refunds unavailable.

👉 All students, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual identity, are warmly welcomed in this class. My aim is to promote acceptance, understanding, and empathy for all. We look forward to embarking on this educational journey with each and every one of you!


▶ 👥️ ✅ If you enroll your teen in the Self-Pace option there will be educator interactions within the classroom and private messages. I am available to assist and support your teen through private messaging for up to three weeks from the time your teen starts the course. Feedback on assignments, projects, and final projects will be provided by me, encouraging students to revisit completed homework for further learning opportunities. However, after thirteen weeks, I will no longer provide feedback or grades, give a certificate of completion, or respond to private messages. Furthermore, your teen must complete every assignment in every lesson by the last day of the 13th week, including the final project, to be eligible for a certificate or grade if you're seeking those items. Self-paced classes prioritize on-demand learning, not on-demand teaching & educators are not responsible or accountable for learners falling behind per Outschool Policy. 

▶ 👤🚫 If you enroll your teen into the "Outschool Unlimited" (subscription) option there will be NO educator interaction per Outschool policy. Assessments, grades, and certificates will also be unavailable.

▶ 🔒 If you choose to pay using the weekly option, one entire lesson will unlock every week for self-paced & subscription students. A student will not be able to continue to the next lesson until 7 days later when you are charged for the next week.

▶ 🔓 If you choose to pay the entire class fee upfront all 13 lessons will automatically unlock and be available all at once for both self-paced and Outschool Unlimited subscription students. 

FROM: Outschool...
While our open community is our greatest source of strength, it also brings challenges. It is important to us that Outschool is a safe space for our users. Our members should treat each other without bias or prejudice across all pillars of diversity including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identity. Down below are Outschool's Parent and Learner guidelines that we ask our members to observe. Outschool members who do not meet these guidelines will be removed from the site.


1. Learners should only attend class under their own enrollment, as themselves. It violates Outschool policy for a learner to use their sibling’s or another learner’s enrollment to attend class. Learners may only join a live meeting by using the green button in their class on their Outschool Learner Account. Educators are forbidden from sending links and passwords to Zoom live meetings.

2. Ask questions of teachers to clarify any missing details about classes, important information about your learner, and fill out your learner's profile such as age, gender preference, and any notes that the educator may need to know about your learner so they may help your learner throughout the class.

3. Make sure your learner shows up for their class; many classes depend on group conversation, and the absence of a single student can have a big impact. If a learner must miss a live meeting please have them notify their educator via a private message under the Teacher tab in their learner account as soon as possible, or you may notify the educator under the Message tab on your parent account.

4. Provide constructive feedback and reviews about your class experience, for the benefit of the teacher and other parents. The same goes for private messages.

5. Engage in civil conversation, and speak and act with respect for different opinions. Check for private messages from your learner's educators and respond promptly. All communication must take place and stay on Outschool. Private messages between parents and the teacher must be done through the parent's dashboard and not the learner's dashboard. Learners must use their dashboard to privately communicate with the teacher and not use their parent's dashboard. When receiving an email notification of a message from the teacher it is best to scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on the "view this conversation on Outschool" link to read & respond to the teacher.

6. Help keep Outschool a safe space for learners, families, and teachers from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations. To that end, we encourage you to watch our Trust and Safety Code of Conduct video with your learner. Learners may not share personal information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, gamer tags, social media, etc.


1. Join the class on time and be ready to learn. Have all of the tools, textbooks, handouts, notes, or anything else the educator has asked of you ready to go before class starts.

2. Be kind: Help all learners feel welcome and included. Give positive feedback to your fellow classmates.

3. Be safe: Keep your personal information private and never ask other learners for theirs (e.g., email address, mailing address, phone number, gamer tags, etc.). All communication must take place and stay on Outschool.

4. Be respectful: Treat others how you want to be treated. Dress in a manner appropriate for class; please be fully clothed with both a top and bottoms on and sit upright for the class. Treat the teacher and your classmates with respect. 

5. Engage & Participate: Contribute to a class environment in a way that is safe and welcoming for learners and teachers from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations. Take responsibility for making each class a great learning experience for yourself and your classmates: participate, stay on topic, and avoid distractions. Check for private messages from your educator and respond back promptly.

6. Private messages between parents and the teacher must be done through the parent's dashboard and not the learner's dashboard. Learners must use their dashboard to privately communicate with the teacher and not use their parent's dashboard. When receiving an email notification of a message from the teacher it is best to scroll down to the bottom of the email and click on the "view this conversation on Outschool" link to read & respond to the teacher.


1. We welcome members from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations and are committed to creating a safe space for our users across all pillars of diversity.

2. We will listen to feedback from parents, teachers, and learners, and make changes accordingly. Send an email to support@outschool at any time!

3. We will create and enforce policies to create a high-quality, trusted, and safe community for learning. This may include removing content or users from the platform.

4. We will respond promptly to questions and issues that arise.


1. Offer classes only where you have the appropriate background or expertise.

2. Teach classes professionally: 

3. Be prepared, begin on time, and treat all learners with respect.  

4. Do not teach while impaired and do not model any behavior that a student age 18 or younger is restricted from doing.  

5. Respond promptly to parent questions and requests.

6. Communicate with parents and learners in a professional manner, both in messages and in-class.

7. Keep all communications on our platform; never provide personal contact information to parents or learners for “off-platform” communications, or in-person meetings (prohibited unless an Outschool-sponsored event). 

8. Adhere to our class content policy by only offering secular, objective, age-appropriate classes

9. Create a safe and welcoming space for learners and families from all backgrounds & beliefs.
All sources are independently scholarly peer-reviewed, based on truth and facts, highly researched by the teacher for truthful evidence, and are unbiased. This especially includes the textbook. Besides the textbook sources include the Human Rights Campaign, Equality Florida, GSA Network, GLAAD, ONE Archives Foundation, and others.
Joined February, 2019
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Doctoral Degree in Religious Studies from Ashford University
Master's Degree in Education from Ashford University
Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Ashford University
Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences from Ashford University
👋 Howdy, Aloha, Bonjour, Namaste, Oi, Kon'nichiwa, Hola, Bonsaw, Salve, Shalom, & G'Day, & Hello There,

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Self-Paced Class


weekly or $200 for all content
13 pre-recorded lessons
13 weeks of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

Ages: 14-18

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