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Creative Craft & Chat

Heather Linke
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Star Educator
A social group for crafting and making new friends! Everyone brings the craft project of their choice, and we craft together & show off our work!

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Heather is a lifelong crafter. She's taught everything from sewing to ceramics, model railroad building to basket weaving, natural plant dying to egg tempera painting. Currently working on a BFA in Socially Engaged Art, Heather loves sharing skills and helping kids build confidence in their creative expression.
Bring your current craft project and any materials/supplies you need to work on it!
Students and parents should work together to decide on age and skill appropriate craft projects to work on. 

Any time a potentially dangerous tool is used in demonstration Heather will always provide safety info and reminders to ask parents before use. 
Joined November, 2020
Star Educator
Hi Friends! 

I grew up homeschooling in the woods of Maine. I spent my summers at Girl Scout camp, and traveling across the country on adventures primarily focused on the outdoors and history - like a wagon train traversing the North Dakota... 
Group Class


1x per week
50 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
2-8 learners per class

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