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Contact: The First Hours

Contact: The First Hours will teach the fundamentals of teamwork, problem solving, and communication all within the exciting world of an elite team of specialists who are sent to investigate why the island of Tanoa went dark.
Troy "Sully" Brodsky
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What's included

4 live meetings
8 in-class hours

Class Experience

If you have a learner that loves online gaming, this may be a perfect fit.  We'll learn teamwork, problem solving, personal responsibility, and communication techniques - skills that can be applied to their lives as a whole.

Students in Contact: The First Hours will have the opportunity to become a member of an elite team of specialists - soldiers, scientists, and government operators who are assigned to investigate an island in the Pacific ocean which has gone dark.  All contact was lost with the inhabitants and the team must be inserted in order to determine just what it is that has happened on Tanoa - including the rescue of a trio of VIPs who must be located and brought to safety.  When on the island, the team has limited resources and must work together to find and utilize anything that might be of use so that they might successfully unravel the mystery... and survive.

We accomplish this by utilizing an online military simulation (milsim) called ARMA 3.  Each learner will play the role of a member of the team, learn a unique specialty, and then work with their teammates accomplish a difficult mission.  (Learners can be on the ground in the thick of the action and mud, dedicated to flying helicopters, driving tanks, being a medic, or even driving a boat.  It's demanding, action packed, and heart-pounding fun.  Once our team is formed and trained, I will create fully customized  missions which will challenge the team based on their strengths and weaknesses - always with an emphasis on team building, problem solving, and communication.  

A sample mission might go something like this:

1. Warning Order:  The team must consider all of their options, who should be assigned to a certain task, and the layout of the terrain based on the intelligence that I provide - it may or may not be accurate and may include overhead images, snapshots, or maps.
2.  Insertion:  The team will insert into the Tanoa island chain based on their intelligence and begin to collect information that will help them accomplish their mission.
3.  Execution:  The team will work together to accomplish a variety of missions from hostage rescue to recon, to civil affairs - working with anyone that they find to unravel the mystery of what has happened on the island.
4.  Extraction:  The team will "Get out of Dodge," hopefully with their VIPs, all of the team members, and a good story to tell.
5.  AAR - the After Action Report:  While all of the action was fun, this is perhaps the most important aspect of it all.  Here, we'll go over all that. happened, what could have been done more efficiently, what went wrong, what went REALLY wrong, and how we can do it more smoothly for the next mission.

Week One (Two Hours):  The first hour of this session will be dedicated to pure instruction... yeah, I know... boring.  (It won't be.)  We do need, however, to go through the basics of the team, our specialties, and your role on the team.  Will you be flying the helicopter?  Will you be on the ground with a rifle?  Will you be our intelligence analyst?  Will you be calling for air support?  The options are numerous, and each is great fun.  Once we have these things figured out, we'll look at some mission planning for next week, and get ready to get our feet in the dirt!  (We review the fundamentals of teamwork, communication, and flexibility in problem solving in week one, but not overtly.)

Week Two (Two Hours):  It's time to get into the fight.  We'll go over our mission plan once again so it's fresh in everyone's mind, and then jump right into the action.  We will take our time, work each problem as it comes up, and overcome.  Each operator will have a central part in our missions, so we need you sharp and on point - get some sleep the night before. (Not kidding... being tired will make this tough... it takes a lot of mental power to make split second decisions.). Post mission, we'll review and then send you off to await next week's intel packet... sometimes it comes early so you have extra time to think it over, sometimes they come right at the last minute.  (We will focus on communications this week more fully this week during the pre-mission work up, and then teamwork/problem-solving when in game.) We will also access each operator and introduce the team to our rank system - as you develop your leadership, communication, and problem solving skills, you will increase in rank and responsibility. (New ranks will be assigned, medals will be awarded.)

Week Three (Two Hours):  Time for a new mission.  With the intel that you received and looked over during the week, we'll pre-plan the mission, set up what everyone will be doing, and add a new element - aviation.  This time we'll insert into our area of operation via helicopter flown by one of your teammates.  (This is a whole new aspect of mission planning because we all know how well helicopters work... what happens if there's a malfunction?  How do you get your newly freed hostage home in this case?) Afterward, we will review and assess as per usual.  New ranks will be assigned, medals will be awarded.

Week Four (Two Hours):  New night, new mission!  Again, we'll look at your intel, pre-plan and execute the mission.  This time will be smoother because we have more experience together, but I'll be sure to throw some craziness into our time on the ground as well.  Just when you feel like you have a skill mastered... something new will pop up to challenge you both individually and as a team.  This week, we'll include aviation, land navigation at night (yikes!), and three new challenges that will surprise you.  We'll finish up with an assessment of the mission and new ranks will be assigned - medals will be awarded.

Week Next... while this course is designed as a four week duration, students may re-enroll repeatedly.  Many students will find the game play, ranking system, and pure challenge of AøR to be an experience that they wish to repeat.  Students who do repeat will maintain their rank and responsibility as they forge forward into higher and higher levels of achievement.
Learning Goals
Students will learn the art of leadership - how to lead and follow, how to negotiate, plan, and work around stubborn problems.  They will learn new methods of efficient communication, have the opportunity to work within a team, and the satisfaction of accomplishing a difficult goal.  Perhaps most importantly, they'll be faced with taking responsibility for their actions - often split second decisions.  Students will complete the class and want to return.  They will have gained both confidence in themselves, and in their ability to work with others.  

There is also a distinct social aspect to what we do in Contact: The First Hours and I like to emphasize this because, frankly, kids have gotten the shaft on social stuff since 2019.  One of the reasons that I send out 'intel packets' early to each team member, is so that they're encouraged to talk amongst one another in the days leading up to the mission - form friendships, and laugh a little.  Likewise, we have time in game where students are able to just talk and laugh about things that happen - as a teacher and father, I see this social interaction as absolutely vital in the lives of all of our kids.

The class is structured in three parts to maximize our learning and fun.  1. The first part of class will allow students to sort through their "Daily Intel."  I will provide them with pieces of the puzzle - maps of their area of operations and some more or less sometimes kinda accurate intelligence reports.  From these, they will plan their mission in full.  2.  Students will take their team into harm's way and execute their planned mission... some will succeed, others will fail.  3.  We will assess the mission as a whole - how did individual operators perform?  How did the team perform?  How did the mission planning hold up?  What went right... what went wrong?  

In the end, each student will learn to take personal responsibility for their actions, work within a team, communicate effectively, and learn problem-solving techniques - all of which can be applied to their lives as a whole.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
ARMA 3 is a milsim - military simulation - and thus has some logical content to be aware of for learners. The ESRB rating for ARMA roughly equates to what a student might experience from a PG-13 rated film.
Supply List
ARMA 3 (Simulator) 

This is the computer application that we use for Contact: The First Hours.  It can be purchased via the Steam Store - which allows students to purchase the sim, try it out to make sure that it works with their computer, and return it with a full refund if it does not.  (As always, if learners or parents have any questions about making ARMA 3 work, I'm around to help trouble shoot.)

System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 | AMD FX 4300 or better
HDD: 25 GB available space, SSD
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 | AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series with 2 GB VRAM
OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
DirectX: DirectX 11
Screen Resolution: 800×600 or better

Discord (Messenger)
While this is not a requirement for class,
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • ARMA 3
Joined August, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have more than a decade of teaching experience, the majority of which was spent as an instructor in a lock-down rehabilitation facility for at-risk children (translated: gang kids who were struggling with substance abuse).  This allowed me to teach a wide variety of subjects, from second grade reading to college level physics, often in the same day in order to meet the needs of my students. 
My emphasis throughout was teamwork, discipline, leadership, and problem solving - as these form the braided cord that carries all through our lives.  My formal education is centered around a masters degree in elementary education, and another in special education - with a bachelors in philosophy and a minor in glass art... yes, that's right.  Glass.  Art.  My mother was thrilled when I told her about that one.  

Additionally, this class is an extension of a variant that I ran successfully a decade ago at the aforementioned rehabilitation facility.  It was a resounding success, showing marked improvement in both student scores on their academic work and vast improvement in their social disposition.  Students from across the spectrum participated on a voluntary basis, and the results were astounding.  Clearly, I think a great deal about the potential of this program... but when something works for kids, I'm all in.  


Live Group Class


weekly or $60 for 4 classes
1x per week, 4 weeks
120 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 14-18
2-8 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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