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Concepts in Physics: High School Physics - Part 1

This course is a 16 week semester course for High School Physics and when taken with Part 2 constitutes a full year of topics covered in High School Physics.
Lora Danley, M.S. - Chemistry, Physics, Science
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Rising Star

What's included

16 live meetings
14 hrs 40 mins in-class hours
2-4 hours per week. Students will be provided with an e-book after the first class as well as optional homework problems and answers. Should students choose to do the reading, it will be approximately 10-15 pages for each class. Each homework assignment should take the student 1-3 hours. The homework is not turned in to be graded. Students may email with a question on the homework if they cannot figure out how to do a problem.
1-2 per week
Optional tests with answers will be provided three times each class so that learners can check their understanding of the concepts.
Letter Grade
To request a letter grade for a learner, the learner or the learner's parent or guardian should contact me during the first week of class. Requirements for a grade are to complete all three tests and six of the at-home projects of the learner’s choosing.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Intermediate Level
A grade for the class is available if requested. 

Save $8 when you use coupon code DANLEYFALL8 by September 4, 2024.

REFUND POLICY: Full refund until 12 hours after the first class meeting (6 hours in the summer).  If you do not notify me within 12 hours of the first class that you wish to be refunded, you will need to contact Outschool to request a refund through the Happiness Guarantee.  

This is a 16 week full-semester class that covers concepts in High School Physics. Although technically Part 1 and Part 2 can be taken in any order, I will be integrating previous concepts into later classes so that learners are able to see how concepts relate to each other and learn to solve problems by synthesizing together information from different concepts.  To succeed in the course, learners should have solid Algebra 1 skills.

Images, activities, and short experiments will help solidify the concepts in class.  During class I will teach by the Socratic method as much as possible while going over concepts and solving problems.  Toward the end of each class we will do a worksheet with problems and short answer questions together to help students master the topics for that class.  Also provided are optional homework problems with answers, reading assignments, and project-based assignments that learners can do at home as well as three optional tests with answers so learners can check their understanding.   We will not, however, be doing full physics lab experiments with lab reports.  

Week 1 - Linear Motion
Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Free Falling Objects, Objects Thrown Upward, Air Resistance

Week 2 - Projectile Motion 
Vectors and Scalars, Working with Vectors, Upwardly Launched Projectiles

Week 3 - Newton's Laws of Motion
Newton's Three Laws of Motion, Weight, Friction

Week 4 - Momentum
Changes in Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Momentum Vectors

Week 5 - Energy
Work, Power, Potential and Kinetic Energy, Conservation of Energy, Machines

Week 6 - Circular Motion and Center of Gravity
Rotational Speed, Centripetal and Centrifugal forces, Center of gravity

Week 7 - Rotational Mechanics
Torque, Rotational Inertia, Angular Momentum

Week 8 - Universal Gravitation and Gravitational Interactions
Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, Gravitational Fields, Weight and Weightlessness, Ocean Tides, Black Holes

Week 9 - Special Relativity: Space and Time
Space-Time, The First and Second Postulates of Special Relativity, Time Dilation, Space and Time Travel

Week 10 - Special Relativity: Length, Momentum, and Energy
Length Contraction, Momentum and Inertia in Relativity, Equivalence of Mass and Energy, Kinetic Energy in Relativity, The Correspondence Principle

Week 11 - Solids and Liquids
Density, Elasticity, Compression and Tension, Liquid Pressure, Buoyancy, Floatation, Pascal's Principle

Week 12 - Gases
Atmospheric Pressure, Barometers, Boyle's Law, the Bernoulli Principle

Week 13 - Heat and Heat Transfer
Temperature, Heat, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Expansion, Conduction, Convection, Radiation

Week 14 - Thermodynamics
The First Law of Thermodynamics, Engines, Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Week 15 - Vibrations and Waves
Anatomy of a Wave, Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, Interference, Standing Waves, The Doppler Effect

Week 16 - Sound
Sound in Air, Loudness, Resonance, Interference, Beats
Learning Goals
Students will gain a solid understanding in the concepts of physics listed above and will learn to solve problems relating to those concepts.
learning goal


Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
16 Lessons
over 16 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Linear Motion
 Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Free Falling Objects, Objects Thrown Upward, Air Resistance 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Projectile Motion
 Vectors and Scalars, Working with Vectors, Upwardly Launched Projectiles 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Newton’s Laws of Motion
 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, Weight, Friction 
55 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
 Changes in Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, Elastic and Inelastic Collisions, Momentum Vectors 
55 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Learners should have a good understanding of how to solve math problems involving one variable.
Supply List
Learners will need a calculator for working through certain problems in class.  A cell phone calculator should suffice and learners should be able to find an appropriate free online calculator as well.  Learners will be provided with an e-book as well as worksheets and optional homework problems with answers after the first class.  Three times throughout the term learners will be provided with optional tests with answers to check their understanding of the topics.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Science from University of California at Berkeley
Bachelor's Degree in Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
I have a B.S. in Chemistry from MIT and a M.S. in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley.  I have taken college level Physics 1 and 2.  I have taught physics at the college level as part of an interdisciplinary course for non-science majors, and I have tutored students with differentiated learning abilities in physics at the college level as well as at the high school level. 


Live Group Course


for 16 classes
1x per week, 16 weeks
55 min

Completed by 54 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 13-17
5-12 learners per class

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