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Comicbook Camp! Art With Miss Leigh | Self-Paced

Miss Leigh
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Illustators and authors will create their own character and implement it into a comicbook!

Class experience

Beginner - Intermediate Level
4 units//14 lessons//1 Week
Unit 1Supply and Overview
4 lessons1 Week
Supply and Overview
 Week 1
Lesson 1
What You Will Need
Supply Overview
Lesson 2
Making the Book
How to Make Your Book
Lesson 3
Character Development
Character Development
Lesson 4
Let's Talk About It!
Speech Bubble, Thought Bubbles and Captoins
Unit 2The Secret Formula
5 lessons1 Week
The Secret Formula
 Week 1
Lesson 5
Make a Splash!
A splash page is a full-page illustration that typically appears at the beginning of a comicbook issue or chapter. It is designed to grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the story that follows. Splash pages often feature dynamic and action-packed scenes, showcasing the main characters in a visually striking way.
Lesson 6
What's the Problem?
Using a simple formula, we will bring our characters to life and create a customized, interesting story your readers will not be able to get enough of.
Lesson 7
The Big Action
Onomatopoeia has been a key feature of comicbook storytelling since the early days of the medium, with artists and writers using these words to bring the action on the page to life. The use of onomatopoeia in comicbooks can also help to convey the tone and mood of a scene, adding depth and dimension to the storytelling. Overall, onomatopoeia plays a crucial role in creating the dynamic and immersive world of comicbooks.
Lesson 8
Problem Solved?
A cliffhanger is a storytelling technique commonly used in serialized comicbooks to create suspense and anticipation for the next installment. These cliffhangers typically occur at the end of an issue, leaving readers on the edge of their seats and eager to find out what happens next. They often involve a dramatic twist, unresolved conflict, or shocking revelation that leaves the protagonist in a precarious situation. Comicbook cliffhangers are a powerful tool for keeping readers engaged.
Lesson 9
Is It Over?
Unit 3Cover to Cover
2 lessons1 Week
Cover to Cover
 Week 1
Lesson 10
Cover Design
Artists use various techniques to create visually striking covers, including bold colors, intricate details, and dramatic poses. Additionally, cover art can also provide hints about the plot or key moments in the comic, enticing readers to delve into the story further.
Lesson 11
Back At It
Back designs are often overlooked but can play a crucial role in enhancing the overall reading experience. It can also feature eye-catching artwork or teaser images from upcoming issues to entice readers to continue following the series. Additionally, the back cover may include advertisements for other comics or merchandise.
Unit 4Stroke, Fill and Color
3 lessons1 Week
Stroke, Fill and Color
 Week 1
Lesson 12
Colored Pencil Techniques
Lesson 13
Line Weight "Stroke"
Lesson 14
Color Theory
Miss Leigh has been teaching this class for five years in parks and recreation classes and summer camps.
Homework Offered
Learners will work individually. Plan on approximately contingent upon how fast the -student works, and the details they include. hours per lesson, but that is contingent detail, pace and skill level of the student.
4+ hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Grades Offered
Students as young as 7 may join this self-paced camp. Many modules have visual handouts which may require the reading help of an adult. This class is heavy on drawing and coloring  full pages. Rulers are used for panels.
Pen for outlines*
Colored pencils or crayons**
Bristol Board 11*17" 100#** (can cost $10-15)***
PDF templates provided by instructor to be printed by student
Scrap paper (for sketch rough draft)
Stapler (optional)

* Black ballpoint pen is a great choice
**I do not recommend markers, as they may bleed through your paper
***You may use another 11x17" paper but make sure it is heavy enough for drawing and a sharpie marker
Not all parents are comfortable with weapons/violence/gore. I ask that those images not be shared out of respect for other parents.
Joined May, 2022
Hello Talented Artists!

Yes, EVERYONE is an artist! My name is Miss Leigh and I am so happy to be here.

I am an art director, graphic designer and have been teaching for five years. I love everything about art. In my class you will explore fun... 
Self-Paced Class


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14 pre-recorded lessons
1 week of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

Ages: 7-12

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