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Color Your Summer! a Summer Coloring Club for 3-7 Year Olds

Krista V.
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Students will bring a coloring book, drawing paper, and/or the weekly coloring print-out along with crayons, colored pencils, or markers to work on coloring and sharing a project of their choice! We will also feature a color of the week!

Class Experience

This class is taught in English.
  • Students will have opportunities to express themselves creatively, learn about colors, and interact with peers. They will also practice coloring techniques, fine motor skills, and presentation/public speaking skills.
I am a licensed elementary teacher and mom who loves to color with my kids!
 1 file available upon enrollment
Your student will need the following materials for class: -Coloring materials: Your choice of crayons, colored pencils, and/or markers -Coloring project of student's choice: A coloring book, coloring page (such as the optional print out of the week), plain drawing paper, construction paper, etc.
Joined September, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Illinois Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Hi! I'm Ms. Krista, and I'm passionate about education! I'm a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom who lives in the Chicago area with my awesome husband, our wonderful young daughter and son (whom I also homeschool), three fun cats, and one fun dog. I... 
Group Class


1x per week
20 min

Completed by 4 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 3-7
2-9 learners per class

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