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Classics & Contemporary Books for Kids Book Club!

Jennifer Hall
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(264)
Star Educator
Learners in this online book club will explore compelling novels and have thought-provoking discussions.

Class experience

US Grade 2 - 5
Intermediate Level
  • Literature analysis, vocabulary, recognizing figurative language, symbols, and themes
Homework Offered
Assessments Offered
Grades Offered
Materials are provided in the classroom.
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Learners will participate in a game of Kahoot each week at their leisure. The Kahoot! Link will be posted in the chat. You do not need an account to play.
1. Learner will click the link.
2. Enter a nickname or name and press go!
3. Read questions and select the correct answer or answers and click submit.
Have Fun! Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Joined June, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Georgia Teaching Certificate - Elementary Education
NorthCarolina Teaching Certificate - Elementary Education
As a licensed teacher specializing in Reading, I take pride in my ability to support and engage students with diverse learning needs. My experience as an educator has enabled me to develop a strong understanding of different instructional... 
Group Class


weekly ($25 per class)
2x per week
50 min

Completed by 62 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
1-5 learners per class

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