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CAMP! Art From Mistakes & Imagination: Creative Prompts, Art Play,Growth Mindset

In this art camp, young artists delve into their imaginations as they create art from the unexpected, inspired by playful art prompts! I'll introduce new ideas each day. for a week of unbridled creative freedom & growth mindset exploration.
Stephanie Krause: The Art Playspace
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What's included

5 live meetings
2 hrs 30 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

AGE RANGE NOTE: I am offering this camp for ages 6-8 and ALSO ages 8-10, so there's an overlap. If your learner is 8, please choose whichever age range feels best! This is based on my single-session and weekly club, here's the club if you prefer to do a drop-in: https://outschool.com/classes/making-art-from-mistakes-and-imagination-creative-prompts-for-art-play-club-SaZIVR2r#usvmadas0y

This is a FIVE-DAY in-depth exploration of my popular class/club, and in this camp, we'll do art explorations to embrace flexible thinking and the unexpected ideas that surface when you allow your imagination to run free! Finished artworks may not be refrigerator-worthy - this class is very much about exploration and finding joy in the unexpected. But sometimes the art turns into something bigger - for example, the listing photo shows a 6yo artist from one of my Mistakes Club classes - who was so inspired by the prompt that she kept going for a long time after class was over :)

This is an art class, but in some ways encourages flexibility in thinking, and you can see from class feedback that I've had many tentative artists leave my class feeling more joyful about the possibilities that can come from making a mistake. 

Every day we'll start with a new art prompt - sometimes wholly offered by me, other days with student input. We'll spend most of the class working, and more than likely share throughout, with dedicated sharing time at the end if need be. I highlight my hands with a second camera so students can see me demo as well as talk - but this is not about copying me, not at ALL! This is the exact opposite. Here, imagination reigns supreme!

Day 1: we will start by looking at a couple of pages of the book Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg, which highlights the beauty in using your imagination to overcome mistakes or to kick-start new ideas. We'll then move into one of my favorite drawing prompts to to create our own unique art pieces pulled from our imagination! 
Day 2: drawing prompt
Day 3: collage prompt
Day 4: folded paper prompt
Day 5: drawing prompt

Please note the supply list in the section below to ensure you have materials ready to go at class start (this list will also be posted in the virtual classroom)!

1) Sibling participation: please note that siblings are welcome to share a computer, but all individual learners must be registered for the class. 
2) Cameras on: I need to at the very least verify learners visually when class starts, so please ensure webcams are functioning! I also strongly prefer and recommend that cameras stay on during the class so that I know what students are doing and we are easily able to share with each other. 
3) Parents may be nearby, but need to stay offscreen.

I look forward to seeing you for this fun exploration!

(If your child enjoys this, feel free to check out my weekly Mistakes & Imagination club afterwards! https://outschool.com/classes/making-art-from-mistakes-and-imagination-the-weekly-club-SaZIVR2r?sectionUid=2a2b52cb-6518-480c-987b-06a187fd6cc3#usvmadas0y)
Learning Goals
My ultimate goal is to foster the innate creativity of kids! I want them to gain practice in confidence in turning "nothing" into something, and knowing that a mistake is always a chance to create something new.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
On collage day, we may use scissors. Please be aware that scissors are sharp. If you don't feel your student can use scissors safely, please stay nearby.
Supply List
-White drawing paper
-Colored construction paper
-Some non-toxic magic markers and/or crayons and/or colored pencils - materials to add color!
-A glue stick - please make sure it's not dried out!)
-Optional: scrap paper to glue on top of (not newspaper - the newsprint rubs off) - eg glossy newspaper circulars or junk mail or the back of old handouts you don't need anymore
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined July, 2018
Teacher expertise and credentials
Pennsylvania Teaching Certificate in Music/Theater/Arts
Calling all art explorers! The act of creation shouldn't be limited to professional artists. Artistic expression is for EVERYONE - something you should feel entitled to do, without judgment, your whole life long. Unfortunately, many of us have encountered art teachers who have inadvertently squashed that drive by mostly promoting art-making that emphasizes sameness - a painting/drawing/sculpture that's supposed to look a certain way - rather than emphasizing the sheer joy of materials exploration and free expression, within a framework that teaches artistic concepts. I became an art teacher because I found the number of adults who say "I can't even draw a stick figure" to be profoundly depressing. If this resonates with you - you're in the right place!

In my classes, I aim to nourish the seed of creativity that lies within all children, to promote their spirit of exploration, to let them know that there is no one "right" way to create. I find that asking kids to all create the same exact thing, step-by-step, can lead to a feeling that art-making is about getting a final, polished, frameable "product," which can stifle creativity (and can lead to inner judgment, when comparing their look-alike pieces with those of peers who might have better control over art materials). 

Here's an anecdote that highlights my teaching philosophy: a 4-year-old in my Art Room class announced to me, "I know an artist," and after asking her what she meant, I told her SHE was also an artist, everyone in the class was an artist, and she could keep making art her whole life even if she doesn't end up getting paid to do so as a grown-up - that being an artist is about creating and exploration - her eyes got so big as I talked! Her mom later told me that during the whole week, that 4-year-old was excitedly talking about how she was an artist and could make whatever she wanted. To me, moments like that are everything! 

I want kids to see possibilities when they look at lines or shapes. I want them to notice the different colors in the leaves. I want to embody and promote artistic thinking, which, to me, is about SO much more than just creating a work of art that a parent would be proud to frame. (But, I should add, free exploration can lead to wonderfully frameable results!)

I delight in sharing my love of art with students and expanding their field of vision.  It's so gratifying to see them bring their ideas and efforts to fruition. 

-Who am I?-
I'm a teaching artist (certified art teacher), bookmaker (Center for Book Arts Featured Artist in 1995) and museum educator with a Masters degree in Art Education Pre-K-12 from RISD, and more than twenty years of art teaching experience for grades K-12 in some of New York City's premier museums, libraries, and schools. My life-long love of children's books led me to a BFA in illustration with further study in book arts, and I've been teaching bookmaking to kids and adults for many years. Getting my MAT led to teaching art in an amazing high school, but my passion for museum education ultimately landed me in a dream job teaching family and school programs for kids K-12 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and other NYC museums, along with school residencies through some fabulous arts organizations.  I also taught in-person homeschool classes in NYC! Lucky me :) 

-What kinds of classes will I offer on Outschool?-
Look for art-related offerings: museum-inspired art discussions, general art/craft...but with lots of room for creativity; I don't want everyone's project to look the same (unless we are doing a specific blank book format, for example)! Please reach out if you have specific ideas that aren't listed that you'd like to see me offer! 

-Teaching Style-
Enthusiasm is contagious! I love what I do, and it shows. I'll do live demonstrations during art-making lessons, and pride myself on offering clear instructions while making sure all kids are following along.  Even if it's not a straight-up art lesson, you won't find me lecturing - I ask for student participation (though will respect the quiet kids who who choose to watch and absorb rather than jump into the conversation), and strive to engage students with an inquiry-based model. I know from both the teacher and parent sides that all kids learn differently - please, do communicate with me before the class to let me know if there's information you feel is essential to my working with your child most effectively! I'll sometimes follow up classes by posting supplemental materials in the classroom for viewing after class.

-Testimonials/Why study with me?-
Why sign your kid(s) up for my classes? I'll let the words of some parent testimonials from my homeschool and museum classes here in NYC paint a picture of my teaching:
-"[Stephanie is] cheerful, thorough, interested, exciting, involving, engaging, curious, genuine, friendly, captivating, enthusiastic... and to say more I would need my thesaurus."
-"Stephanie is a master teacher who goes to great lengths to bring art to life. The class is controlled, quiet, thoughtful, smart and creative."
-"...And though her classes are always well thought out and organized, the real gem is how passionate she is about the material and how much she cares as a teacher."

-Random fun fact-
I see faces in almost everything!

-Late/Missed Class & Absence Policy-
*Timeliness is very important to the success of the class, especially if it's one where I'm offering step-by-step instructions. I want to maximize our time together, so please make sure your child enters the classroom promptly, with the required supplies at hand! 
*I follow Outschool's limited refund policy, since a missed class is a loss to us both! That policy is: full refund until a week in advance, or within 24 hours of purchase (until class starts). I do not offer refunds for missed classes except in exceptional circumstances. If space permits, I may in some circumstances transfer your learner to a new section, but can't guarantee it. 

-Two General Outschool Policies I Want to Mention-
*Siblings may share a camera. However, each learner must be individually registered for class.
*For the safety of all enrolled students, Outschool requires learners to check in with the teacher via video at the beginning of class. (Policy here: https://support.outschool.com/en/articles/579892-technical-requirements-and-browser-support) I enforce this policy, and will not allow any student who has not visually checked in with me to attend class. If you do not have a functioning webcam to check in with me, you may not attend.

-Want to contact me?-
I'm happy to answer your questions or concerns - please reach out to me if you would like clarification on anything! 

-Thanks for reading! I look forward to meeting your children online!


Live Group Class


for 5 classes
5x per week, 1 week
30 min

Completed by 61 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-8
2-7 learners per class

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