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Business + Social Club for Teen Entrepreneurs and Hobbies

Learners share what challenges they're having + get help from their peers and teacher. All are welcome! Bring your curiosity for business, making money from a hobby (e.g selling art), or join for the supportive, interactive environment!
Allison Bishins, Entrepreur + Business Classes
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What's included

1 live meeting
45 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

US Grade 8 - 11
Beginner - Intermediate Level
(This class isn't currently on my schedule.  Reach out if you're interested in me adding it!)

In this learner-led class about business, entrepreneurship, and monetizing hobbies, I'll start each session by asking learners: "What are you working on, and how can we help?"  After each student identifies their current projects and needs, and we loop back to each student to provide help, advice, and support.  This is a very interactive, conversational and collaborative club.  This class is designed as a supportive space for students to identify their needs and ask for help, and it's great practice for articulating business concepts and growing confidence in public speaking.

This format is tried and tested in my personal business consultant practice over the last 5 years.  It encourages creating deep, supportive bonds, stokes creativity and problem solving, helps people articulate their needs, and creates a space for people to learn about their strengths and weaknesses.  This class is learner-led, with gentle facilitation, feedback, and advice from me (with 14 years experience in small business, as a consultant, social media marketing teacher, jewelry maker, handmade market organizer, fundraiser, and teacher/mentor.)

Over the course of a "semester" (depending on the needs of the group), we would might tackle topics like marketing, pricing, what hobbies might make sense to monetize, using Youtube or Tiktok as a business (e.g. as an influencer, gamer, or for tutorials), different types of websites/shops, social media marketing, business finances like taxes and licenses, getting this free or cheap from your community or grants, and more!  If you're looking for a more structured exploration of these topics, check out my Semester course.  https://outschool.com/classes/semester-business-exploration-part-1-marketing-pricing-finance-graphic-design-CsuRoIZE?refuid=kGLE5w9M

No supplies or printouts are needed for this course.  If printouts are shared, they are completely optional.

Classroom notes: Learners need space to wiggle and be silly.  I try to be flexible and understand that everyone learns differently.  It's also my responsibility to have a classroom that's not super distracting, as this can impact learning as well.  These classroom guidelines help us all start from the same page, and keep class flowing well!
1)  Video on or off (after verification)!  Discussions can be verbal or in *on-topic* chats.
2)  Be respectful; don't interrupt; raise your (physical or digital) hand!  Don't intentionally distract other students (e.g. putting things directly in front of the camera)
3)  Because they can be quite distracting, this class does not allow video filters, avatars, or background changes (except blur).
4)  If necessary, I will move a disruptive student to the waiting room.  If appropriate, I will let them back in for another chance to stay in class respectfully.  If this occurs and you have questions, please reach out to Support.
5)  Any racist, homophobic, body shaming, violent or inappropriate language/images will result in removal from class.  If this happens, you may email outschool@support.com with any questions.  

A few other notes:
-  Please click your meeting link 2-3 minutes early so we can start class on time!  
-  Per OS policy, if there are no students in the classroom 10 minutes after class starts, I will log off and end class.  (If you're having tech issues trying to enter the classroom, just send a message or post in the classroom, so I know you are there!)
-  If you cannot attend, please let me know at least 24 hours before class starts, so I can transfer you to a different section (when possible).  When it might not be possible: if you ask for a transfer for a multiday class the day before it starts, and your transfer will result in the class dropping below the learner minimum, I may not be able to offer a transfer.  But if I can, I will!
-  Class recordings are not automatically shared; they will be made available when possible.  Please note, new OS policy is that a learner can't watch a video until they have attended class, unless they are a verified learner.
-  Learners are encouraged to advocate for how they would like to participate.  If your learner needs adult help (e.g. adult on screen, adult answers for child or facilitates answers, adult takes notes), please let me know in advance per OS parent guidance.
Learning Goals
Build confidence, practice public speaking, practice articulating needs and boundaries, practice business conversations, provide support to other learners.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
When social media is discussed, it's mentioned with a focus on safety and adults knowing what teens are doing online, so they can help when needed. Social media is not linked or screen shared, per OS policy.
Supply List
None - there are generally no worksheets or handouts, and if they are, they're either optional or can be viewed on screen.  We're a worldschooling/traveling family without consistent access to materials or a printer, so I try to offer classes in that same spirit!
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree from London School of Economics
Bachelor's Degree from University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
I've owned several small businesses for over a decade, and have taught social media marketing to thousands of students online and off.  I've worked with adults and kids on business development for over 5 years.  I've run dozens of social/business support groups based on the format described above.


Live Group Class


1x per week
45 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 13-17
3-8 learners per class

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