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Biology Intro to Poultry Science (8-12 Yr)

Future Vet & Animal Science Academy (veterinary)
Average rating:4.8Number of reviews:(1,422)
This class will introduce some basic topics in caring for some of the most popular bird / poultry species such as : chickens, ducks, turkeys, emu and pea fowl!

Class experience

Beginner Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Welcome and Poultry Species Overview
Welcome! Please sharing about the birds you have if you have any, or your favorite type! a quick over view of a variety of poultry species and the pros and cons of ownership. * optional project will include researching about the species the learner chooses and share the pros and cons of having that type of bird for their own.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Designing your Coop/ Enclosure
Designing your birds' coop and enclosure. This lesson shares some of the housing needs for a variety of poultry species. What does a chicken flock need? What do ducks need? What about geese or a peacock?
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Feeding and Enrichment
Feeding your birds including snacks. Enrichment and fun for birds. Do birds need toys? Fun ideas of things your birds may enjoy!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Is your bird sick? Signs and Symptoms. Also creating a first aid kits
Things to watch for if you think your bird may be sick or injured. When to call the vet. Bird first aid kits. ***NO veterinary advice will be given in this course. If you have specific questions about your birds, please contact your veterinarian.
I have been a certified veterinary technicians for more than 30 years. I  have a MEd from Colorado State University and a Master of Veterinary Education (MVEd) from Lincoln Memorial University’s School of Veterinary Medicine. 

 I have been teaching  at local colleges in Veterinary Assistant Programs, an Equine Studies Program and a variety of Veterinary Science and animal science programs for grades 3-5, 6-8, and high school. 

Along with that I am also a homeschool mom! At home, my family has 2 mini horses, a Paint horse,  4 Nigerian dwarf goats, 6 chickens and 4 cats! 

 I am super passionate about sharing my experience and love for animal science and veterinary science with all learners from diverse backgrounds from all around the world! If your learner has a dream to care for animals then I am excited to help them on this first steps!
Homework Offered
Optional lesson projects will be available and listed in the classroom.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Feedback will be given on any submitted projects
Grades Offered
Supplies for optional projects include paper, cardboard, writing materials, and any other supplies will be posted along with the instructions. These will be everyday items likely found around the house. 
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Joined June, 2018
The Future Vet and Animal Science Academy strives to provide the highest quality of educational programs to embrace and cultivate the vision the future for learners around the world who have a passion for animals and agriculture. We do this while... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $76 for all content
4 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Completed by 3 learners
Ages: 8-12

Enroll Now, Start Anytime
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