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Being Weird is Wonderful!

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In this one-time class, learners will read the story "Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon" and practice embracing their uniqueness and "weirdness" by creating Molly Lou Melon inspired self-portraits.

Class Experience

US Grade 2 - 5
  • Students will define the word "unique."
  • Students will increase their self-esteem by thinking of the "weird" things that make them special.
  • Students will create a Molly Lou Melon inspired self-portrait and list the ways they are unique.
I have been a Social-Emotional Learning Teacher for the past 3 years and am working towards my Master's in Social-Emotional Learning. I have taught students with emotional disabilities and students with autism. I am trained in Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice. I have used the Zones of Regulation building-wide in the past two schools I've worked at. 
paper, pencil, crayon or markers or colored pencils 
Joined June, 2024
Teacher expertise and credentials
Colorado Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Hi! My name is Holli Nelson and I teach social-emotional learning classes. 

I teach classes on topics such as emotional regulation, coping skills, conflict resolution, growth mindset, and how the brain works. I have taught preschool, first grade,... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
40 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 7-10
1-6 learners per class

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