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AP World History Modern Full Course Part 1 - Units 1-4

This personalized AP World History tutoring course is designed to teach Units 1-4 of the AP World History exam.
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What's included

30 live meetings
30 in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. Homework will consist of reading passages from assigned texts.
We will have an asesssment after each unit with multiple choice questions and essays.
Exams will be graded.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Beginner Level
The course covers the first half of the AP curriculum, divided into three thematic units that reflect historical periods. The course will consist of lectures, quizzes, essay assignments, note taking and review, a midterm and several simulated AP exams. I use the Socratic method with critical thinking as a major component. Less PowerPoints and handouts and more discussion and deep thinking. We will complete hands on projects and focus on experiental learning.
Learning Goals
Focus on significant states, societies, and the interactions between peoples and cultures. The course includes an in-depth study of major events, technological advancements, and ideological shifts.
Developing critical historical skills, including source analysis, comparative essays, and continuity and change over time, which are essential for excelling on the AP exam.
learning goal


Follows College Board Advanced Placement Curriculum
Aligned with Advanced Placement (AP) Standards
3 Units
30 Lessons
over 15 Weeks
Unit 1: UNIT 1 : The Gloal Tapestry
Lesson 1:
Introduction to the course
 Introducing the course 
60 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Introduction to the course
60 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Overview of key concepts and historical thinking skills
 Comparison, causation, change over time 
60 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Continue historical thinking skills
 Historical thinking skills 
60 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Supply List
We will use the AMSCO AP World review book and follow the College Board Course and Exam Description.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
I will use the College Board Course and Exam Description (CED); AMSCO AP World, Ways of the World, Strayer (textbook); Traditions and Encounters, Global Perspective on the Past, Bentley (textbook); The World and It's Peoples (textbook)
Joined November, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Teacher has a BA in History, is a licensed attorney and has successfully coached students to performing well on the AP exam.


Live Private Course


weekly or $1,500 for 30 classes
2x per week, 15 weeks
60 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 11-14

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