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Ancient Roman and Egyptian History Club With an Archaeologist. Homeschool. CAMP!

Sondra Rapoport
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We discuss exciting topics from Ancient Rome and Egypt. Classes are visual, high-energy, fun, and informative. Explore the ancient world through archaeology, myth, and history. Perfect for homeschool or supplementing a history curriculum #academic

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 7
This class is taught in English.
  • We will be investigating different topics each week from Ancient Rome and Egypt. The goal of this club is to engage and We investigate new topics each week from Ancient Rome and Egypt. The goal of this course is to engage the curiosity of the students in this subject. Students will come away with a more thorough understanding of these two ancient civilizations, how they are entwined, and how they influenced each other. We examine literature, history, mythology, entertainment, great rulers, and everyday life. Fun is part of the curriculum!
Hello! I’m Sondra Rapoport, your friendly neighborhood Roman Historian. I taught with Harvard University's Dept. of Classics for 6 years as a Head Teaching Fellow. I taught The Rome of Augustus and Roman Games and won awards and distinctions in teaching each semester. I also taught History of Ancient Egypt at Tufts University and worked for years on the Giza Project. (This project catalogues, translates, and researches the 150 years of archaeological discovery around the Great Pyramids).  Now, I homeschool my son and I greatly enjoy adapting my knowledge and classes - designed for university level - to each of his grade levels. 
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
I speak live to the students using a wide variety of slides from my travels around the world. I welcome questions before, during, and after class. A group of students that interacts with the material learns it at a deeper level and I welcome questions throughout. Each class begins with a main question or idea for the students to keep in mind, as they will see the theme reappear. Class ends with guided discussion based upon the main question and any interesting questions or comments. There is no ‘dead air’ time; students are encouraged to share their thoughts and questions. All photographs are my own.
We use my vast catalogue of photographs from my travels and research in Italy and Egypt, as well as occasional passages from Virgil, Ovid, Catullus, etc. (which I will provide).
Joined February, 2021
Hello! I’m Sondra, your friendly neighborhood Roman Historian. I taught with Harvard University's Dept of Classics for 6 years as a Head Teaching Fellow. I was privileged to teach several classes including classes on Roman Games and Gladiators,... 
Group Class


1x per week
55 min

Completed by 422 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-14
1-18 learners per class

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