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After-School Chess (7-12 Years Old)

In this 6-week class, beginners will develop their chess skills.
Miss Halldorson
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What's included

12 live meetings
10 in-class hours
I highly recommend learners play chess outside of class to maximize learning potential.

Class Experience

Note: For those who have never played chess before, please enroll in "Chess: Level Zero" prior to enrolling in the after-school chess program. I assume all learners know how to set up a chess board, how the pieces move, and how the pieces capture, if not, please enroll in "Chess: Level Zero". Thank you so much. 

In this 6-week class, beginners will develop their chess skills.

Week 1: Specialty Moves
Students will learn about specialty moves: pawn promotion, en passant, and castles. 

Week 2: Check, Checkmate, and Stalemate
Students will learn more about check, checkmate, and stalemate. They will also learn a couple of different strategies for checkmate. 

Week 3: Openings
Students will learn key openings and how to develop their pieces on the chess board. Strong moves vs. weak moves. How chess pieces work together and what it looks like when they do. 

Week 4: King & Queen, and King & Rook Checkmate
Students will begin to master the end game fundamental. When it is down to the last few pieces in a chess match, students will learn how to master the end game fundamental to win the game by checkmating their opponent.

Week 5: King and Pawn, and King and Two Bishops Checkmate, plus beginning tactics worksheets 
Students will begin to analyze the chess board and solve chess puzzles. They will continue to master the end game fundamental with king and pawn and king and two bishops end games. 

Week 6: Review/ Bonus Lessons based on student interest/ Team Games

Class Structure:
(5-10 min) Student introductions
(20-25 min) Lesson- For the lesson I do a share screen. It is not a lecture-style lesson, I interact and engage with students the whole time and ask them questions, they are involved the whole time. I set up my lessons for visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners alike. I also include information about chess that students may not already know. They are welcome to take notes.
(20-25 min) Q&A, review material, put into practice what they learned during the lesson with my chess map. I will ask students for the next step so they can show me how much they learned. 

Throughout the lesson I ask students chess questions, they are welcome to answer them. I teach the formalities of a real-life chess tournament and also cover sportsmanship. 

This is a beginner class for those looking to develop their skills and become better chess players. Please feel free to email with any questions you have. Thank you and see you soon! 

*Note: If I have not scheduled a class at a time that works for you, please feel free to click on alternative times to request a time/day that fits your schedule, or email me directly and I would be more than happy to set up a class for you. I look forward to having your learner in my class. Thank you.

Learning Goals

Students will develop their chess skills: openings, strategies, tactics and end games.
learning goal

Other Details

External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in English from San Diego State University
I enjoy playing and teaching chess and inspiring a passion within children to learn. I learned to play as a very young child and believe chess teaches children pertinent problem-solving strategies that help them throughout their lives. The ability to think one's way out of a problem is an essential life skill. Studies show that children who learn chess do better academically, so the science behind the learning is there. I taught chess to elementary-level students at different schools as part of their after-school program. I taught chess strategies, tactics, and sportsmanship to help future leaders solve problems in chess, in their classrooms, and throughout their lives.
❈ Aided in the development of problem-solving skills inside and outside of the classroom. 
❈ Improved sportsmanship and success through chess.


Live Group Class


for 12 classes

2x per week, 6 weeks
50 min
Completed by 36 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
3-6 learners per class

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