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Advanced Latin: Vergil

In this 17-week course, students will read selections from Vergil's *Aeneid* in Latin and English in preparation for the poetry portion of the AP Latin Exam. (The prose portion of AP Latin will be taught in another course.)
Larissa Laver
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What's included

17 live meetings
34 in-class hours
4+ hours per week. This is a rigorous course designed to prepare students to take the Advanced Placement Latin Exam. Students will be expected to complete several hours of homework each week between lessons, both to prepare for the time in class and also as preparation for the AP Exam (if they wish to take that at the end of this study course in May). Students not wishing to take the AP Latin exam are welcome in this class, but should still be prepared to keep up with the workload of the course.
Previous AP Latin Exam questions may be offered throughout the course as practice assessments. These are available here: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-latin/exam/past-exam-questions

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Advanced Level
Think of this class as a guided study for AP Latin. Unlike a traditional AP Latin course, we will split the content into two separate semesters: this is semester 1, in which we will cover the Virgilian content relevant to the Advanced Placement Latin Exam. (Semester 2 will cover Caesar's Gallic Wars.) We will not have the time to cover every word of every book together in our lessons, but I will create a guided reading plan for students to work through independently during the week; then during our meetings, we will go over the most difficult aspects of those sections and address any student questions that emerge. 

Below is a broad brushstrokes schedule of Latin readings for this class. 

Weeks 1-6: Aeneid Book 1
Weeks 7-9: Aeneid Book 2
Weeks 10-13: Aeneid Book 4
Weeks 14-17: Aeneid Book 6

A detailed reading schedule is available in the Syllabus portion of this course description. Please note: the syllabus is largely taken and/or adapted from the College Board's recommended reading pairings and skills for the AP Latin Exam. Of additional note, several AP courses alternate between Vergil and Caesar throughout their year-long course, but for scheduling and organizational purposes here, we are splitting the two authors into individual semesters.
Learning Goals
Students will read all of the VIRGILIAN English and Latin materials as outlined on the Advanced Placement Latin Reading List (available here: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-latin/course/ap-latin-reading-list ). 

This is NOT an official AP course, but it covers the poetry/Vergil portion of the material relevant to the AP Latin Exam.
learning goal


17 Lessons
over 17 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Aeneid Book 1, Lines 1-49
 Demonstrating knowledge of Latin vocabulary and morphology when translating a text into English 
120 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Aeneid Book 1, Lines 50-91
 Recognizing and understanding stylistic features and rhetorical devices in Latin poetry 
120 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Aeneid Book 1, Lines 92-156
 Analyzing Latin texts based on knowledge of Roman history and culture 
120 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Aeneid Book 1, Lines 157-209
 Demonstrating an understanding of differences between Latin and English usage when translating a Latin text 
120 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Students must have at least two years, preferably three, of Latin language study prior to taking this course. Basic grammar will not be taught in this class and is an absolutely necessary prerequisite for taking this class.
Supply List
Latin texts for both Caesar and Vergil are available for free online. Finding an exceptional and modern edition of the translations is a bit more difficult online. I recommend purchasing copies of the English translations and can recommend my preferred editions if anyone is interested.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Quizlet
Joined April, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in History from Brandeis University
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Language from Gordon College
I have been studying Latin since 2002 and teaching Latin since 2008. I have undergraduate (BA) and graduate (MA) degrees in Latin and Classical Humanities (the degrees themselves were titled "Ancient History; Classical Language" - double undergrad major - and "Ancient Greek and Roman Studies" - MA). I have not specifically taught AP Latin, but I have the credentials and skills to do so. 


Live Group Course


weekly or $3,000 for 17 classes
1x per week, 17 weeks
120 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 14-18
2-3 learners per class

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