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A Moment in Time - Women in History

Creative Youth Learning Hub
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Rising Star
Join us each week as we learn about different women in history, the details of their experiences, and the impact they left on the world.

Class Experience

US Grade 6 - 9
Beginner - Intermediate Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
The teacher has a degree in early and secondary education. She has been an Outschool teacher since 2018 and has taught many subjects to a variety of age groups. The teacher has a several years of experience teaching history to public, private, homeschool and unschooling learners. 
No supplies are needed 
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Open discussion during class time may include topics such as racism, discrimination, violence and sexism. All topics during open discussion will be age appropriate and related to the weekly women in history subject. 
All sources for women in history will include but are not limited to - 
Smithsonian Institution, Library of Congress, PBS Learning and appropriate biography books available at the public library. 
Joined April, 2020
Rising Star
Creative Youth Learning Hub is an educational organization that provides creative classes to learners around the world. 
We are a team of educators with many years of experience working with kids of all ages. We focus on providing a kinesthetic... 
Group Class


1x per week
45 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 11-14
2-13 learners per class

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