7th Grade Full Curriculum Homeschool Learning Pod: Marking Period 5
This comprehensive five-part course encompasses the entire 7th grade curriculum, including Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies! Miss Sarah holds national certifications in both general and special education.
What's included
30 live meetings
45 in-class hoursHomework
1 hour per week. Each week, students will receive one homework assignment for each subject, with a maximum time commitment of 30 minutes per subject. Additionally, students will engage in diverse projects both in-class and outside of class. A calendar outlining due dates for book club readings and major projects will be provided for easy reference.Assessment
Students will undergo assessment via mini projects, experiments, and weekly homework tasks. Furthermore, they will engage in assessments through interactive games such as Nearpods, Kahoots, Spelling Bees, and reading circles.Grading
At the conclusion of each marking period, students and parents will receive a detailed report card containing one grade per subject along with a final average, accompanied by personalized comments. Intermittent progress reports will be available upon request.Class Experience
US Grade 7
Join our 8th-grade learning pod for a full curriculum experience! Your child will have the unique opportunity to learn alongside a dedicated certified teacher and build lasting friendships with their classmates. Classes will run from Monday to Friday each week, with additional support available before or after each session with Miss Sarah. Each week, students will have one homework assignment per subject, due the following week before class. These assignments are designed to take no more than 30 minutes per subject, per week. If needed, Miss Sarah will be there to assist with homework 30 minutes before and after class. Our curriculum covers all core subjects and includes special projects such as science experiments, social studies projects, and integrated writing activities. Students will also engage in group work using breakout rooms, facilitated by Miss Sarah. We start each class with a 15 minutes morning meeting, allowing students to share updates, play educational games, and connect with their peers. Throughout the class, students will participate in breakout room activities, where they will learn new skills and collaborate in small groups under Miss Sarah's supervision. Miss Sarah will also be available for one-on-one assistance during the main session or upon request in the breakout rooms. Together, we'll tackle challenges and celebrate successes! Monday: - Homeroom: Students will share what they did over the weekend and respond to a short writing prompt. New goals will be introduced for the week. - Math Lesson (new topic) - Math assignment and group work Tuesday: - Spelling and Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading/Writing Wednesday: - Social Studies Reading and Lesson - Special Area project Thursday: - Science Lesson (new topic) - Conceptual understanding questions, visuals and examples - Experiment preparation and analysis Friday: - Math Mini Lesson (continued topic from Monday) - Math practice and game - Weekly Wrap-up: Students will review what goals we completed this week and discuss where we may need to add more practice. If necessary, optional weekend practice will be provided. The following topics will be covered: Comprehensive Final Project: Data Collection and Graphing Week 1: Math: Tables and Graphs on a Coordinate Plane Language Arts: Developing Questions and Surveys Reading Book: The Outsiders by S.E. Hilton Science: Weather Systems Social Studies: The Constitution Week 2: Math: Coordinate Pairs Language Arts: Riddles and Brain Teasers - Writing Descriptions Science: Weather Systems Social Studies: The Constitution Week 3: Math: Linear and Non-Linear Graphs Language Arts: Types of Poetry Science: Atmospheric Pressure Social Studies: Writing a Class Constitution Week 4: Math: Slope Formula and Point Slope Language Arts: Elements of Writing Poetry Science: Creating a Weather System Social Studies: Constitution Party Week 5: Math: Graphing Equations Language Arts: Writing a Poem Science: Renewable Resources Social Studies: Debate Prep Week 6: Math: Graphing Inequalities Language Arts: Finding Poetic Elements Science: Nonrenewable Resources Social Studies: Debate Prep Week7: Math: Final Math Project Language Arts: Book Presentations Science: Science Fair! Social Studies: Final Debate Every Saturday at noon EST, all necessary materials will be provided through our virtual classroom. Students can access everything they need to succeed! Assignments will be submitted through the classroom platform, where each student will receive personalized feedback from me. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to share their work with classmates, fostering valuable peer review skills and encouraging collaboration within our learning community. ** Discounts ** All students who enroll in parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 will receive a 10% discount!
Learning Goals
Students will demonstrate the fundamental standards across all subjects relevant to seventh grade. Exiting class, students will exude confidence in their capacity to tackle math, language arts, science, social studies, and social skills tasks suited to their age and grade level.
30 Lessons
over 6 WeeksLesson 1:
tables and Graphs on a Coordinate Plane
90 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Language Arts
Developing Questions and Surveys
90 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
The Outsiders by S.E. Hilton
90 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Weather Systems
90 mins online live lesson
Other Details
Learning Needs
In this class, every student is valued and supported. With a diversified approach, Sarah ensures that each student receives the time and resources they need to succeed. From adjusted assignments to flexible deadlines guided by students.
Parental Guidance
When experiments are planned, parents will be notified of all supplies and given the option to be supervise.
Students joining this class must have successfully completed sixth grade or an equivalent curriculum to ensure readiness for the material covered.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Math worksheets, assessments and homework will be created and generated my Miss Sarah.
Social studies curriculum will Beast Academy be used as a curriculum guide. Students will also utilized short stories and articles, depending on the unit. Sources will include National Geographic, Smithsonian's History Explorer, Newsela and National Archives.
Social studies sources:
United Nations education Scientific and Cultural Organization: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/64
Vector - Ancient or geocentric and modern or heliocentric solar system models vector infographic, education diagram by siberianart @ 123RF.com
"US and British Flag" © NATALIA OMELCHENKO / 123rf.com https://www.123rf.com/ stock-photo/152043274.html?sti=mr7nww7890n8f6n9t4|&mediapopup=152043274
"Thirteen Colonies." Wikimedia Commons, 5 Dec. 2017, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Thirteencolonies_politics.jp.
"New York Harbor." PICRYL, picryl.com/media/new-york-a-city-in-n-america-inhabited-by-english-and-dutch-subject-to-the-5a1a70.
"Wiliam Penn." Wikimedia Commons, 30 Oct. 2013, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:William_Penn,_Peace_Movement,_Pennsylvania_(presentation_window_--_Frederick.
Stymetz_Lamb,_J._%26_R._Lamb_Studio,_New_York,_c._1908,_ _glass,_lead,_wood_-_
Brooklyn_Museum_-_DSC09493 JPG.
"New England Town Common" ® WANGKUN JIA / 123rf.com https:// www.123rf.com/stock-photo/colonial_schoolhouse_new_england. html?oriSearch=colonial+schoolhouse&sti=m9uejmawc2echpak00
Slave's quarters in an old plantation house in Louisiana © ontheraks /123rf.com https://www. 123rf.com/stock-photo/slave_plantation. html?oriSearch=cotton+plantation&sti=mzxIrfncvh13ayfqe%7C&mediapopup=
Science curriculum and resources will also be designed by Miss Sarah. Science will be hands on, include experiments and demonstrations, and interactive exploration.
Language arts resources and books can be found under the class listing materials. Discussions will be student driven and will also include literacy circle questions.
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Moravian College
As a certified educator, Miss Sarah holds qualifications to teach general education, special education, music education, and Spanish across grades pre-K through 12. Since graduating in 2016, she has continuously pursued professional development opportunities, attending conferences and delivering presentations. Miss Sarah's educational journey includes in-depth studies of world views, music, and politics, enabling her to understand diverse cultures, their values, and their histories.
In her role as a special education teacher, Miss Sarah is adept at tailoring assignments to accommodate varying student abilities. Furthermore, she holds certifications in curriculum development and design for both general and special education settings. In traditional classroom settings, Miss Sarah has taught captivating lessons on the history of ancient European and African cultures, traditions, and music. Additionally, she has led engaging unit studies on topics such as slavery, abolitionism, the Civil War, and the Underground Railroad.
Live Group Course
weekly5x per week, 6 weeks
90 min
Completed by 25 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-13
3-18 learners per class