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4th Grade Math Fun With Games and Activities: Full Curriculum 2X Weekly

This class is perfect for advanced 3rd grade or on level 4th graders. We will learn: Multiplying and dividing multi digit numbers, decimals, rounding, place value to a million, perimeter, add/subtract fractions and many more skills.
Mrs. Pat Certified Prek-Grade 4
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What's included

2 live meetings
1 in-class hours per week

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 4
Beginner - Intermediate Level
💰💰First class is Free with code PATCEFIRSTCLASSFREE8   💰💰
We will be playing a lot of fun math games to help the class retain the material they are learning. Math does not have to be a challenge! 
Each class will start out with a review of different skills and a math journal time. I will send out items that each student will need to put in his/he math journal. This journal is used to help them understand the content better. If homework was assigned the night before, then we will go over the homework and work out any problems that they did not understand. Next, I will introduce a new skill and will play a game to check for understanding. Last, the class will do some practice problems independently and the rest will be for homework. I also will be utilizing Nearpod to enhance the class and bring a more interactive experience to the classroom so if your child has an account, they can use the code given during class to join. This is not required, but it is only an option!

My teaching style:
If you were to ask any parent whose child has taken my class, they will tell you how patient I am with each child. I understand that all children learn at a different pace so I do not mind reworking a problem until the class understands it. 

What is included with this class:

 👩‍🏫1. A certified teacher with over 20 years of experience in public, private, and online schools.

🙋‍♀️2. Help if your child does not understand the concept, please send me a message and I will answer any questions your child may have.

😉3. I utilize the chat feature in Zoom to answer questions and no one sees the answers except the teacher. I know some children are afraid to speak out and that is why we use the chat feature. 

📰4. A monthly newsletter sent out the first class of every month or if you join after the first class, it will be sent when you book. The newsletter will include what we are learning in class, tips and tricks to help your student succeed in math, and days that we will not be meeting. 

📄5. A work packet for us to complete during class and also extra work in between classes that is optional for students that need extra practice.

🏫6. Assessment and grades for those parents that would like a grade report

🍂September 🍂
The week of September16-19-Place value to the millions, billions, and trillion
The week of September 23-26-Represent numbers in an expanded form, compare multidigit numbers, order large multidigit numbers
The week of September 30-10/3-Round large numbers to any place value using a number line

🎃October 🎃
The week of 10/7-10/10-Review how to add/subtract like denominators, learn how to rename fractions more than one to a mixed number, learn how to add/subtract fractions with mixed numbers with like denominators
The week of 10/14-10/17-Review adding/subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators. Learn how properties can help us by adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators
The week of 10/21-10/24-Add larger numbers using the traditional algorithm, explain how the standard algorithm works when adding, subtract larger numbers using the standard algorithm
The week of 10/28-10/31-Subtract larger numbers across zeros using the traditional method

The week of 11/4-11/7-How to estimate when adding and subtracting larger numbers, solve addition and subtraction word problems, learn to use estimation to determine if my answer is reasonable.
The week of 11/11-11/14-Factor pairs of numbers up to 100, learn to determine when a number is a factor of another number, find multiples of a factor up to 100 and tell what a multiple is and give an example
The week of 11/18-11/21-Identify prime and composite numbers and explain why they are prime or composite, explain what multiplication and division mean, model and solve multiplicative comparison problems,

🎄December 🎄
The week of 12/2-12/5-Learn the properties of multiplication and why they are important, explain patterns in multiplication and division, write a rule to explain the patterns in multiplication and division, learn to follow a given rule to complete a number sequence
The week of 12/9-12/12-Learn the customary measurement terms, mass, capacity, standard units of measurement, weight, length
The week of 12/16-12/19-Learn more measurement terms, foot, inch, yard, mile, ton, gallon, quart, pint, etc., describe the metric units and how to use them, learn how to convert customary units of measurement

The week of 1/6-1/9-Convert customary units of measurement, use, explain and convert units, solve problems with mixed measurements, Find the perimeter of a square or rectangle using a formula.
 The week of 1/13-1/16-Identify, draw, classify points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, identify and classify triangles by their angles, length of sides, identify and classify parallel/perpendicular/intersecting lines, identify and classify quadrilaterals
The week of 1/20-1/23-We will learn lines of symmetry and how to draw them, relate angles and fractional part of a circle, learn how degrees are related to a fractional part of a circle
The week of 1/27-1/30-How to use a protractor, determine the measure of an angle separated into parts, determine the measure of an angle separated into unknown parts, learn to add and subtract angles.

The week of 2/10-2/13-We will learn how fractions, decimals, and money are related, learn to represent decimals greater than and less than one
The week of 2/17-2/20-We will learn about equivalent fractions and decimals, compare decimals using a model, solve word problems related to money
The week of 2/24-2/27-Add fractions with the denominator of 10 and 100, add decimals using the money strategy and rename to fractions strategy

The week of 3/3-3/6-Review of fractions, learn to find an equivalent fraction, explain how I found an equivalent fraction
The week of March 10-13-Use multiplication to find an equivalent fraction, learn how to write a fraction in simplest form, how to find the common denominator, find the missing numbers in an equation to make an equivalent fraction
The week of March 17-20-Compare fractions, how to use cross multiplication to compare fractions, order fractions

The week of March 31-April 3-Write fractions as a sum of unit fractions, find the product of a whole number and fraction using repeated addition, find multiples of fractions
The week of April 7-10-Learn how to use a number line to multiple fractions, create  an equivalent fraction using a unit fraction, find products of a whole number and fractions using multiplication, use the associative property to help with multiplying fractions
The week of April 14-17-Solve word problems that involve multiplying fractions, read and analyze line plots, create line plots
The week of April 21-24-Muliply 2-4 digit by 1 digit numbers, learn about the distributive property,
The week of April 28-May 1-Learn about the partial products method and how to use it, learn how to estimate when multiplying, learn to multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers using the area model

The week of May 5-8-Learn to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers using the box method and partial products method
The week of May 12-15-Learn what partitive division means, learn what a remainder is, learn what quotative division is and how to use it, learn to estimate with compatible numbers
The week of May 19-22-Use the relationship between multiplication and division to divide, divide multi digit numbers using the area and box model.

😎This is the end of this section. Have a great summer!😎
Learning Goals
Place value to the trillions
How to add and subtract fractions with like and not like denominators.
learning goal

Other Details

Learning Needs
I am very patient and can work with children of all abilities.
Supply List
Marker board with a marker
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Nearpod
Joined October, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Tennessee Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Middle Tennessee State University
Hello Everyone!! I love to teach fun and engaging classes for children ages 3-8. I enjoy being silly and singing silly songs with the class. My puppets and my own pets often visit the class. I have been teaching Prekindergarten for the past 8 years and before that, I taught kindergarten for 9 years. I love the energy that the young learners bring to class. 

When I am not teaching, you will find me hanging out with my family around a camp fire or traveling around the United States. I am also a Girl Scout leader in my community and love taking my Girl Scout troop on many adventures including camping trips, field trips and hiking trips. We like to earn a lot of STEM and nature badges. I love the outdoors and try to get out as much as possible. When I taught in the local public school classroom, I would often take my class outdoors to teach if it was a nice day. So come join me in class and see what adventures we will take! I have been getting requests for classes during the after school hours, so I am starting to add more classes during the after school hours. I look forward to seeing you in class!!


Live Group Class


weekly ($8 per class)
2x per week
30 min

Completed by 36 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-10
3-6 learners per class

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