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Animals in Space

Lauren James
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(3,148)
Star Educator
What pets have become astronauts? Is there a constellation of your favorite animal? Could there be alien animals out there? Learn about animals and their relationship with space in this blend of history and science. 4 lessons, self-paced.

Class experience

US Grade 2 - 5
4 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Animal Constellations
Learn how to use a star wheel to identify constellations in the night sky of the northern hemisphere. (Parents of young children who cannot read the months of the year might need guidance with this part.) Explore the animal constellations and learn the fascinating stories behind the creatures that populate the heavens. Total recording length (split into 5 recordings): 88 minutes
 Week 2
Lesson 2
The History of Animals in Space
What animal was the first in space? The first around the moon? Learn about the history of space travel through the original animal astronauts, including monkeys, dogs, cats, and even tortoises! Recording length: 49 minutes
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Animal Astronauts in the Present Day
Scientists and astronauts are learning some amazing things about biology and space travel, with the help of ton of different animals, from frogs to spiders. This week we'll explore what it's like to live in space, whether you're a mouse, or a human. Recording length: 63 minutes
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Future Animal Astronauts
How might we use animals to explore space in the future? Could there be alien animals out there on other planets? We'll explore these questions in our last week together. Recording Length: 45 minutes
By the end of the class, students should be able to:

♦ Know how to use a star wheel to locate constellations in the night sky.
♦ Recall some stories of animals from the constellation mythologies of several different cultures.
♦ Provide a basic outline of early space exploration for the United States and Russia (with a focus on animal explorers, of course!)
♦ Understand the motives behind sending animals into space during the Space Race.
♦ Explain the role of animals on the International Space Station.
♦ Compare and contrast the current animals in space (and their purpose) with the animals put into space in the 60s and 70s.
♦ Recall some of the discoveries made by studying the behavior of animals in space.
♦ Understand the ethical considerations when using animals for research in space.
♦ List the three "ingredients" required for life.
♦ Speculate on where we might find alien animals in our solar system and beyond.
The history of animals in space does involve some animal deaths, which more sensitive children might find disturbing.
Joined September, 2017
Star Educator
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Self-Paced Class


weekly or $56 for all content
4 pre-recorded lessons
4 weeks of teacher support
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1 year of access to the content

Completed by 109 learners
Ages: 6-11

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