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1 on 1 Accelerated 11th & 12th Grades Home High School Full Curriculum: Part 1 of 2 (By Request Only)

Dr. Kai Kafferly, PhD
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Star Educator
An 11-week full, complete, curriculum & accelerated high school class. This is the 1st semester & has English III and IV & Social Studies combined for 11th & 12th grades which is part of a one to one tutoring, academic homeschool course.

Class Experience

US Grade 11 - 12
Advanced Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
22 lessons//11 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
📚 Identity Main Ideas and Details
Embark on an exhilarating exploration of English and Language Arts, where we decode the essence of literature and language! Uncover the power of words as we delve deep into identifying main ideas and details, unraveling the threads that weave captivating narratives. Join us on a journey of discovery, where every page holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of communication and expression. 📖✨
Lesson 2
🏛️ World and US Government
Explore the captivating realm of World and US Government, delving into ancient civilizations and modern democracies alike. Unravel the secrets of governance, from constitutional systems to global politics, igniting your passion for understanding our world. Navigate international relations and domestic policies, empowering yourself to be an informed citizen. 🌍🏛️
 Week 2
Lesson 3
🔍 Analyze Relationships within Texts
Let's dissect the intricate relationships within texts! Explore the bonds between characters, the dynamic interplay of themes, and the subtle nuances of authorial intent. Join us on a riveting journey through literature, where every sentence holds secrets waiting to be unraveled, revealing deeper insights into the human experience. 📚✨
Lesson 4
🤝 Civics
Dive into the fascinating world of Civics, where you'll unravel the secrets of governance and democracy. From local communities to global affairs, explore the rights, responsibilities, and power dynamics that shape society. Equip yourself with the knowledge to become an engaged and informed citizen, making a difference in your community and beyond. 🌍🏛️
 Week 3
Lesson 5
🤔 Interpret Words in Context
Embark on an illuminating journey as we master the art of interpreting words in context! Unlock the hidden meanings behind every phrase, unraveling the layers of nuance and symbolism within texts. Join us as we explore the richness of language, deciphering its complexities to uncover profound insights and enrich our understanding of the world around us. 📖🔍
Lesson 6
🪖 American History: Revolutionary War through Civil War
Embark on a captivating journey through American history, spanning from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War. Witness the birth of a nation, the struggle for independence, and the forging of a new identity. Explore the tumultuous era of westward expansion, the fight for abolition, and the ultimate test of unity and democracy. Join us as we unravel the threads of revolution, rebellion, and resilience that shaped the destiny of the United States. 🗽📜
 Week 4
Lesson 7
🏗️ Examine Text Structure
Embark on an enlightening journey as we delve into the intricacies of examining text structure! Discover the underlying frameworks that shape narratives, uncovering the patterns and organization that give meaning to words. Join us as we unravel the tapestry of language, dissecting texts to reveal the hidden connections and insights within. 📚🔍
Lesson 8
🌍 American History: World War I through Modern Times
Journey through the dynamic chapters of American history from World War I to the present day. Explore the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, and the triumphs and trials of World War II. Delve into the complexities of the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the technological revolution reshaping society. Join us as we unravel the rich tapestry of events that have shaped modern America and its place in the world. 🌎📜
 Week 5
Lesson 9
🐷 "Animal Farm" by George Orwell (Chapters 1-4)
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, spanning Chapters 1-4! Journey alongside the animals of Manor Farm as they embark on a revolutionary quest for freedom and equality. Delve into the dynamics of power, oppression, and rebellion as allegorical themes unfold against the backdrop of a farmyard revolution. Join us as we dissect Orwell's masterful narrative, uncovering the timeless truths and provocative insights embedded within each page. 🐷📖
Lesson 10
💰 Fundamentals of Economics
Embark on an enlightening exploration of the Fundamentals of Economics! Delve into the principles of supply and demand, market structures, and the intricacies of economic decision-making. Unlock the keys to understanding how societies allocate resources and create wealth, empowering yourself with essential knowledge for navigating the complexities of the modern world. 💼📈
 Week 6
Lesson 11
🐷 "Animal Farm" by George Orwell (Chapters 5-7)
Continue your riveting exploration of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, delving deeper into the heart of the revolution in Chapters 5-7! Witness the evolution of the animal society as utopian ideals clash with the realities of power and corruption. Uncover the complexities of leadership, loyalty, and betrayal as the farmyard drama unfolds with gripping intensity. Join us as we navigate the twists and turns of Orwell's allegorical masterpiece. 🐎 📗
Lesson 12
💼 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Dive into Microeconomics and Macroeconomics! Learn about individual consumer behavior and market dynamics in Microeconomics. Then, explore broader economic forces like inflation and unemployment in Macroeconomics. Join us to understand how these disciplines shape our world! 💼📊
 Week 7
Lesson 13
🐷 "Animal Farm" by George Orwell (Chapters 8-10)
Immerse yourself in the climactic conclusion of "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, spanning Chapters 8-10! Experience the gripping finale as the animals' revolutionary ideals are put to the ultimate test amidst political intrigue and internal strife. Delve into themes of power, corruption, and the cyclical nature of history as the farmyard saga reaches its riveting conclusion. 🐑📚
Lesson 14
💱 Economics and History
Discover the fascinating intersection of Economics and History! Explore how economic factors have shaped historical events and societies over time. Uncover the economic principles that underpin major historical developments, from trade routes to industrial revolutions. Join us as we unravel the intricate relationship between economics and the past, providing insights into both disciplines that illuminate our understanding of the world. 💡📜
 Week 8
Lesson 15
🧐 Assess Point of View in Informational Texts
Embark on an enlightening journey as we assess point of view in informational texts! Explore the perspectives and biases that shape the way information is presented, unraveling the nuances of authorial voice and intent. Join us as we navigate through the complexities of viewpoint, empowering ourselves to critically evaluate the reliability and credibility of the information we encounter. 📖🔍
Lesson 16
💳 Consumer Credit & Banking
Delve into the world of Consumer Credit & Banking! Learn about managing personal finances, borrowing, and lending in the realm of consumer credit. Explore the functions of banks, financial institutions, and the role they play in the economy. Join us to gain valuable insights into the financial tools and systems that impact individuals and businesses alike. 💳🏦
 Week 9
Lesson 17
📝 Evaluate Textual Evidence
Embark on a journey of critical analysis as we master the art of evaluating textual evidence! Uncover the power of words and their ability to support arguments, shape narratives, and convey meaning. Join us as we delve deep into the texts, honing our skills to discern between fact and opinion, and to extract valuable insights that inform our understanding of the world. Prepare to wield the tools of scrutiny and discernment as we navigate through the vast landscape of written expression. 📚🔍
Lesson 18
🌐 Societal Development
Embark on a journey through Societal Development! Explore how societies evolve, from early civilizations to modern-day complexities. Uncover the factors that shape cultures, economies, and governance structures over time. Join us as we delve into the fascinating realm of societal growth and change, gaining a deeper understanding of the world we inhabit. 🌍🌱
 Week 10
Lesson 19
📊 Analyze Structure Across Texts
Prepare for an illuminating exploration as we analyze structure across texts! Delve into the underlying frameworks that shape narratives, discerning patterns and organization to uncover deeper layers of meaning. Join us as we compare and contrast various texts, examining how different structures influence our understanding and interpretation. Through this journey, sharpen your analytical skills and gain invaluable insights into the art of storytelling. 📖🔍
Lesson 20
🌍👥 Borders Between People and Nations
Explore the intricate Borders Between People and Nations! Delve into the complexities of geopolitics, migration, and identity. Uncover the historical, political, and cultural factors that shape borderlines and influence relationships between societies. Join us as we navigate the frontiers of human geography and international relations, gaining insights into the forces that define our interconnected world. 🌐🗺️
 Week 11
Lesson 21
🏁 English Final Exam
Gear up for the ultimate challenge: our English Final Exam! Dive into the depths of literature, language, and critical analysis as you put your knowledge and skills to the test. From dissecting complex texts to crafting persuasive arguments, this exam will be your chance to showcase your mastery of English. Join us for an exhilarating journey towards academic excellence and literary enlightenment! 📚🎓
Lesson 22
🏁 Social Studies Final Exam
Gear up for an exhilarating challenge with our Social Studies Final Exam! Test your knowledge across a spectrum of disciplines, from history and geography to economics and civics. Dive deep into the intricacies of human societies, cultures, and global connections. Join us for a thrilling culmination of your journey through the realms of Social Studies, where every question holds the key to unlocking a deeper understanding of our world. 🌍📚
  • ■ English III & IV: Identity Main Ideas and Details, Analyze Relationships within Texts, Interpret Words in Context, Examine Text Structure, Assess Point of View in Informational Texts, Evaluate Textual Evidence, and Analyze Structure Across Texts. ■ Social Studies: Government, Civics, American History: Revolutionary War through Civil War, American History: World War I through Modern Times, Fundamentals of Economics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Economics and History, Consumer Credit, Societal Development, Borders Between People and Nations.
I hold a double BA degree in Social Sciences with a concentration in Education and Criminal Justice, along with an MA degree in Education with a specialization in Curriculum. Furthermore, I have earned a Doctorate in Philosophy.

For over 11 years, I have been teaching high school students from grades 9 through 12 in a home-based online environment. I've utilized platforms like Skype and asynchronous messaging on discussion boards to deliver instruction across various subjects, including English, Language Arts, Writing, Sciences, Social Studies, Mathematics, and elective courses. Notably, all my students have consistently achieved above-average grades, enjoyed the learning process, met the requirements of their respective state's home education laws, and successfully transitioned to college. I find immense satisfaction in aiding students on their learning journey, helping them unlock their potential, delve deep into subjects, and cultivate critical thinking skills that are vital for their future success.

In terms of my teaching approach, I incorporate a variety of pedagogical theories, including education-based constructivism, humanism, realism, and idealism, as well as brain-based learning techniques. My methodology is rooted in well-established educational practices supported by extensive research and proven effectiveness in both traditional brick-and-mortar schools and virtual learning environments. The principles I apply in my teaching are consistent with the pedagogical training I received during my master's and doctoral programs in higher education.

I implement differentiated instruction, tailoring my teaching methods to suit each student's unique abilities and learning needs. My teaching style is characterized by its warmth, adaptability, friendliness, compassion, and flexibility. I follow a "flipped classroom" model, which involves having students complete assignments before engaging in live meetings. During these sessions, students actively share their newly acquired knowledge, interesting discoveries, and key takeaways, and I actively participate by offering relevant insights and additional information. This collaborative teaching approach aligns with the "open classroom" concept, emphasizing that learning is a shared endeavor with the common goal of acquiring knowledge and enjoying the process. We collectively discuss and analyze the material studied and its implications, and I provide guidance for the following week's coursework, including homework assignments covering the next chapter in each subject, to be completed by the upcoming week.

As professional educators in today's academic landscape, we recognize that extensive, lecture-style teaching during live meetings has become outdated. Students tend to learn better through interaction and engagement rather than passive listening. Therefore, I adopt the roles of coach, guide, and mentor, both on an individual level and as a facilitator in group settings. I encourage meaningful discussions by posing thought-provoking questions to students during live meetings, fostering an environment where they can share their newfound knowledge effectively and contribute to the learning experience. I aim to ask the right questions at the right moments to create optimal learning opportunities.

The semester's curriculum, covering two subjects, is designed to be advanced and accelerated. To excel in this learning environment, students must cultivate strong time management skills and maintain high motivation. My teaching encompasses a multifaceted approach. I not only deliver subject material through traditional homework, including chapter questions and projects but also employ instructional videos and interactive discussions in live meetings. Importantly, I also emphasize teaching students how to learn. In response to their queries, I may guide them to conduct internet research to uncover answers, instilling valuable research skills. Similarly, when assessing their homework submissions, I may pose additional questions that require independent internet research, promoting their ability and desire to learn effectively. These techniques empower students to take control of their education and harness this educational autonomy to their advantage, an essential skill for future success.

In summary, my extensive academic background, combined with my practical experience and innovative teaching approach, positions me as an educator committed to empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and motivation they need to succeed in today's dynamic learning environment.
4+ hours per week outside of class
Frequency: 3-6 per week
Feedback: as needed
Details: 🕔 If a student must miss a live video meeting or needs to turn in homework later due to illness, family situations, or other circumstances, I completely understand. I kindly request that the parent sends me a direct private message at least 2 hours before the live online class, if possible. I can still post their homework for the day(s) they miss. It's important to note that, as per Outschool's policy, there are no refunds for a student missing a live meeting. If the student doesn't join within 10 minutes of the live meeting, the meeting will be canceled for that day. Unfortunately, I don't conduct makeup sessions for missed live meetings, but I'll continue to assign homework in the Outschool classroom for them to complete by the due date. Given the nature of homeschooling, there will be a substantial amount of homework, and parents should be actively involved. 🧑‍🏫 Students will receive instruction, guidance, coaching, learning, and homework assignments from me through live online sessions. I'll also post weekly guidance and homework assignments in the Outschool Classroom. Full participation in the live video meetings and the Outschool Classroom is crucial for effective learning. ⏩ This is an accelerated semester class. Students will work independently from me most of the time, engaging with the textbook, crafting essays, creating videos or other projects, and completing lesson reviews for both subjects. ✨ Heavy parent involvement is absolutely necessary to help students manage their homeschool schedule for homework and to provide support to their teen. ✨ 🎒 Weekly Assignment Homework: Although I'm available seven days a week via private message to assist your teen with questions, provide additional guidance, coaching, and more, parent help and involvement are not just allowed but required because this is homeschooling, and most state laws hold parents legally responsible. Parents will need to assist their teen in planning their schedules to complete homework on time, help them with their assignments, and ensure all homework is completed each week. Homework includes the following: All Homework and Reviews are OPEN BOOK. 1. We cover one full chapter per week in both subjects. Each chapter contains 3 to 7 lessons, and students must complete a lesson review for every lesson. The lesson reviews include vocabulary words, skill practice, skill review, and sometimes writing practice, typically featuring 8 to 15 questions per lesson. Students can write their answers on notebook paper, in a Word document, or they can print out the lesson reviews from the PDF of the textbook that I provide. Students will read their answers during our next live meeting, and these assignments are due within one week. This applies to both subjects, and these assignments are graded. However, if there are issues with this method, some lessons can be turned into projects (see #3 below). 2. The Chapter Review at the end of each chapter must also be completed, either by writing answers on notebook paper, a Word document, or a printout of the material from the PDF textbook. Your teen will read off their answers in the next live meeting, which means this is due in one week. This is open book and graded. 3. Most weeks, but not all, your teen will be assigned a project. This might involve writing an essay, a short story, or a poem (on a Word document), creating a video slideshow (via Canva or Adobe Express), or a digital photo collage. This allows for creativity and fun. Only Canva or Adobe Express may be used for video slideshows. Both programs are free. Google Docs and Google Slides are not permitted. You can find free document programs such as Open Office, Libre, and more via an internet search. This work is graded. Please refer to the Supply List section for more information. After reviewing your teen's homework answers verbally, we will engage in in-depth discussions about the chapters studied. I'll pose questions to your teen, and they can reciprocate. This approach greatly helps in fully absorbing new knowledge, connecting it with prior knowledge, ensuring comprehension, and fostering analysis. We will then introduce the next chapter, the new homework, and, if time allows, I'll initiate the first lesson with them. One of my teaching philosophies is to teach students how to learn. In many assignments, students may be asked to answer extra questions based on their initial responses, requiring them to conduct research on the internet and share their findings. During the final week, a comprehensive semester exam will be administered for both subjects. This exam will account for 20% of your teen's final grade, but it's important to note that the exams are open book. The exam can be tailored to your teen's preferred method of learning and demonstrating their knowledge. The purpose of this exam is to gauge their ability to comprehend, analyze, infer, discuss, and make informed conclusions about the material.
Progress Report
Frequency: 7 or more throughout the class
Details: 🗃️ Your teen will have their lesson reviews, chapter reviews, slideshow projects, and writing assignments graded each week for each subject. 🗃️ I send grades for this class every week through private messaging to parents, along with comments, to facilitate parental monitoring of their student's progress. I highly value and appreciate weekly feedback from parents. At the very least, parents should acknowledge the receipt of the grades I send. Parents and students can reach out to me at any time through direct messaging, and I'll respond the same day or, if not, by the next morning, seven days a week, except on holidays.
Certificate of Completion
Frequency: 1 after class completion
Details: 🎓 I award 2 full-year high school credits for English and 2 full-year high school credits for Social Studies, as well as an overall grade for both subjects at the end of the class. Four certificates of completion will be sent to the parent via private message (2 certificates for each subject, each showing 1 credit). Depending on your homeschool laws or charter school requirements, you can use this class as 4 year-long credits, as the class is accelerated and packed with educational content. The overall grade is based on the following criteria: 1. The level of participation in discussions during weekly lesson reviews, chapter reviews, discussions of the chapters read, bonus projects, and essays in the live meetings. 2. The number of correct answers on their lesson reviews and chapter reviews while taking into account their individual learning abilities and needs. 3. The degree of participation and thoroughness in their work and research on projects and essays (if assigned). 4. A final semester exam, accounting for 20% of your teen's final grade, will be administered for both subjects during the final week. These exams are open book and can be adapted to your teen's preferred learning and demonstration method. The purpose of the exam is to assess their ability to comprehend, analyze, infer, discuss, and arrive at informed conclusions about the material. The certificate of completion will include the student's first name, "Outschool," the course name, the course end date, my full name and title as the Outschool teacher, and a final letter grade ranging from A to D-. It's important to note that I do not fail any students, as I believe that regardless of their level of involvement, they have learned something from the class. A = Excellent B = Great C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement 📁 For your homeschool portfolio teacher evaluation in your state, I highly recommend keeping PDFs of the textbooks to demonstrate all the subjects learned from each textbook and your student's graded work from me. These are crucial items to retain, including their written textbook material in Word documents, videos, projects from the Outschool classroom, and all saved assignments on your student's computer, in addition to the saved PDFs of the textbooks themselves. I strongly advise your teen to save everything to a Flash or Zip drive rather than their computer, as I won't be able to send you any of the material once the class is over.
🫴 I support unique learning needs by incorporating various teaching methods, offer flexible assignments, flexible due dates, aadditional resources, & fostering an inclusive environment. I also communicate regularly with students & parents.
Students will need all of the following supplies before the first live meeting: 

1.) A free PDF of both ABE/GED textbooks is available for all students. It will be posted to the Outschool classroom, along with important announcements and further information, 1 day prior to the first live meeting. If you wish to search online and order a hard copy of the textbook here is the information so that you may order yours:

ABE/GED Textbook 1: "Common Core Achieve Reading & Writing Core Subject Module" by McGraw-Hill ISBN-13: 9780021432561

ABE/GED Textbook 2: "Common Core Achieve Social Studies Core Subject Module" by McGraw-Hill ISBN 13: 9780021355648

The ABE/GED textbooks are a foundation of our studies, not all of the common core elements are used.

Students will need to know how to record a video of themselves in the Outschool classroom, or record a video on their own computer and post it to the Outschool classroom for projects, please.

2.) Students will need to have and know how to use a word document program. Students will sometimes be submitting short essays or answers on a document in some questions, projects, or quizzes, and attach them as a file. Documents will need to end in a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Parents may need to help students learn how to save a word document in these formats. Links to Google slides, docs, or any other online work document programs are not allowed. Free downloadable Word Document programs are available such as Open Office, WPS, Ultra Office, Neat Note, and more by doing a search on Google.

3.) Create free Adobe, Canva, and/or Google Slides accounts to make virtual posters (.jpg), and online slideshows (.mp4), download them to their computer and then upload them to the classroom as an attachment. Parents may need to assist their students in creating an account for Adobe Spark and/or Canva and review the different ways to create slideshows, presentations, and photo collages. This is a creative way for students to give their answers to homework and allows for their self-expression instead of just typing out answers. You can make an Adobe account very easily by using this link: https://spark.adobe.com/. Students may also use Canva too. Here is the link for a free Canva account: https://www.canva.com/. Parents may also need to assist their learners in creating their Schoology Classroom account.

It is important that the student become familiar with these materials before class begins, please.

You may need to have a certified teacher in your state review your student's portfolio (including their written textbook material on Word documents, videos, projects from the Outschool classroom, saved assignments on your student's computer, and saved PDFs of the textbooks) along with the certificate of completion and letter grade that I send to help comply with your state's home education laws if you are homeschooling. To safeguard these materials, I **HIGHLY recommend that your teen saves EVERYTHING to a Flash or Zip drive instead of their computer** because, once the class ends, I won't be able to send you any of the material.

Please carefully review your state's home education laws and requirements before enrolling your teen learner. While I have taught these classes in accordance with Florida's home education laws, and all of my past students have successfully graduated, I or Outschool cannot be held responsible for maintaining your teen's home education portfolio or grades. We cannot review transcripts or perform portfolio evaluations for homeschooling, nor can we guarantee that this class will satisfy your state's home education laws or your charter school's policies or count for high school credit. Please check your state's and/or charter school's requirements. Remember, you are solely responsible for homeschooling your teen under your state's laws. I am here to help educate your teen learner, but parental involvement is absolutely necessary.

Note about the tuition:

This class's tuition structure can be a bit confusing. The total weekly tuition covers not only the TWO 1-hour and 15-minute weekly live video meetings but also includes the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes completed in the classroom by your student. It also accounts for my weekly lesson planning, grading of homework, research, participating in the weekly assignments, projects, and quizzes by providing feedback, additional content, guidance, and deeper questions, responding to both student and parent private messages within 36 hours, and offering private guidance and help for your student. I am personally present in the classroom, working to support your student and answering private messages seven days a week throughout the entire duration of the class.

Essentially, the weekly charge is $80, which includes the two live meetings and all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Outschool also deducts 30% of the total tuition for its expenses. I'm sorry, but I do not permit requests for a transfer to another date and time for this class. The only circumstance under which I could consider an exception would be if there were a tragic event affecting your learner or your family and not after the first week.

Parents may need to assist their students in creating an account for Adobe and Canva, review with them how to create slideshows, presentations, and photo collages, and show their students how to save documents for various assignments or projects as .doc, .docx, or .pdf files to be attached in the classroom. Parents may also need to help their students with homework assigned by me.


We stand with learners. We are all learners. 

At Outschool, we commit to standing with all learners by fostering a diverse and multicultural community, where differences are honored, welcomed, and accepted. With education as the catalyst and technology as the tool, we are uniquely positioned to connect learners to experiences that broaden their understanding of themselves and the world around them through our collective love for learning.  

At Outschool, we strive to be OUTstanding by fostering a global online community, elevating unique voices, and transforming the way we work and learn.

At Outschool, we are all learners. We are curious and continuously interrogate the inequities created by systemic oppression on education and learning. We have the opportunity to evolve education by creating a marketplace that reflects and respects the lived experiences of historically ignored communities. 

This work is never done. To ensure equity across multiple lines of difference and experiences, we maintain a bias toward transformative action. 

Here’s what action looks like for Outschool.

We intentionally include fair representation of different social identities–including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, social class, physical ability or attributes, and learning needs.

We implement processes to ensure inclusion and procedures to eliminate barriers or imbalances that keep community members from having equal opportunities.

Outschool cultivates an environment where all individuals feel welcomed, supported, and valued.

We create a sense of connection through meaningful experiences by connecting people, ideas, and resources.

While our open community is our greatest source of strength, it also brings challenges. It is important to us that Outschool is a safe space for our users. Our members should treat each other without bias or prejudice across all pillars of diversity, including race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identity. Please find below Outschool's Parent and Learner guidelines that we ask our members to observe. Outschool members who do not meet these guidelines may be removed from the site.


1. Ensure that learners only attend class under their own enrollment, using their own identity, and refrain from using their sibling’s or another learner’s enrollment to attend class.

2. Provide all required details and fill out the learner's profile with accurate information. This may include age, gender preference, and any notes that the educator may need to know about your learner.

3. Ensure learners attend their classes and promptly notify the educator if they must miss a live meeting.

4. Offer constructive feedback about your class experience, for the benefit of the teacher and other parents, in both reviews and private messages.

5. Engage in civil conversation, respecting different opinions, and communicate through Outschool.

6. Keep personal information private and never share personal information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers, gamer tags, social media, etc.


1. Join classes on time and be prepared for learning.

2. Be kind, respectful, safe, and engage in a respectful manner in all class interactions. Dress appropriately and maintain good behavior during class meetings.

3. Keep personal information private and avoid asking other learners for their personal information.

4. Engage, participate, and take responsibility for creating a great learning experience for yourself and your classmates.


1. Outschool aims to be a safe space for members from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and locations.

2. We value feedback from parents, teachers, and learners and will make changes based on that feedback.

3. We create and enforce policies to ensure a high-quality, trusted, and safe community for learning.

4. We respond promptly to questions and issues that arise.
All sources are independently scholarly peer-reviewed, based on truth and facts, highly researched by the teacher for truthful evidence, secular, and unbiased. This especially includes the textbook. The textbooks from McGraw-Hill are from the revamped and more challenging Adult Basic Education classes for the GED along with other sources.
Joined February, 2019
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Doctoral Degree in Religious Studies from Ashford University
Master's Degree in Education from Ashford University
Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Ashford University
Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences from Ashford University
👋 Howdy, Aloha, Bonjour, Namaste, Oi, Kon'nichiwa, Hola, Bonsaw, Salve, Shalom, & G'Day, & Hello There,

✨️ Are you brand new to Outschool? Is this your teen's first class? If so, use promo code DRKAIKA2020 at checkout after enrolling your teen... 


1-on-1 Tutoring


for 22 classes
2x per week, 11 weeks
75 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 15-18

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