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1-1 Reading Comprehension for Grades 1-8 (By Elementary School Teacher)

Shelby Steiskal, B.ED
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Star Educator
In this private 1-1 class, students will work on reading comprehension tips and tricks and become confident in their reading skills.

Class Experience

US Grade 1 - 8
  • Students will learn tips and tricks about reading comprehension and become more confident in their reading skills.
I have my Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.  I have experience teaching elementary school students of all levels.  I have experience tutoring children of all levels in elementary school as well.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: I will encourage students to read in their free time.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Learner progress will be assessed by student's individual progress in their ability to restate the main details of the text and point out and answer questions about the key details in a text.
Pencil and paper.  Books/class work is welcome.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Children's books will be provided based off of the student's interests or the students may bring their own texts as well.
Joined January, 2021
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Kent State University
Hello! Thank you for viewing my profile! My name is Shelby and I’m so glad to meet you! I have my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and teaching is my passion! I also hold the highly accredited International Baccalaureate Certificate... 
1-on-1 Tutoring


per session
Meets on demand
30 min

Completed by 161 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-14

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