Free eBook: everything you need to know about homeschool curriculum
Learn how to compare homeschooling curricula, test out samples, and make sure it's effective for your family's homeschooling.
When it comes to homeschooling, choosing and managing a curriculum can feel daunting. What's the best way to compare curriculum or test out options? How do you know if your curriculum is really working for your kids? How do you benchmark progress? Or fill gaps your curriculum doesn't cover?
No matter where you are in your journey, most homeschoolers have questions about curriculum. Which is why we wrote and are giving away this free eBook.
Homeschool curriculum eBook: shopping, comparing, benchmarking, and more
Choosing a curriculum might be one of the most important decisions you will make as part of the homeschooling journey. Since there are so many choices out there, it can be challenging to sort through the options to make an educated decision about what’s best.
So, to guide you through the process, we spoke with seasoned homeschooling parents and curriculum consultants to put together some guiding principles.
In this eBook, you'll learn about shopping for a homeschool curriculum, tips on making your curriculum fun and engaging, how to determine if it is working for you and your kids, and more.