

Heidi Lathrem, MA: Homesteading/Farm & Video Games


這門課是在 英語講授的。
I am a Stardew Valley enthusiast, myself. I play on PC, and with over 1300 in-game hours I have personally finished 100 percent of the game - three times! Stardew Valley stands head and shoulders above most of the games I've played, and has many valuable educational aspects to teach players while still being a ton of fun to play. I look forward to sharing this game -- and its great lessons -- with students.
Welcome to our Group! We want all of our learners to feel comfortable, connected, and safe. That's why we have 3 rules we ask you to follow: Be Kind, Be Safe, and Be Respectful.

Be Kind - Help all learners feel welcome and included.
Learners from all over the world, with different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, abilities, gender identities, religions and body types, participate in our Group. Always be nice and make others, especially new learners, know that they belong and are welcome. Teasing, name calling, or bullying anybody in our community? Nope. Not happening here

Be Safe - Keep your personal information private and never ask other learners for theirs.
Personal things are personal. We want to keep you safe on Outschool, but we also want YOU to understand how to be safe when you're meeting other learners or teachers. Keep your full name, home address, gaming or social media name, email, and school name private. Learners may want to share personal information such as server codes or IP address in order to co-op play on their own time. Please talk to your learner about cyber security and what should or should not be shared during class. The safe way to do this would be to contact each other in the Parent section of the classroom and directly communicate there through OS messenger.

Be Respectful - Treat others how you want to be treated.
Keep language clean and information you share safe. If you wouldn't say it or share with your grandma, don't do it here. Swear words, racy videos, and violent images are not allowed. Treat Outschool like a public place, and when in doubt, keep things covered.
Learners may also want to share personal information such as server codes or IP address in order to co-op play on their own time. Please talk to your learner about cyber security and what should or should not be shared during class. The safe way to do this would be to contact each other in the Parent section of the classroom and directly communicate there through OS messenger.

Stardew Valley is a farming simulation game that was rated by Common Sense Media as 9+. Parents should be advised that there is some alcohol content, and players can brew alcohol as a farm product. One character to interact with appears to be alcoholic (but he gets better through your friendship). Players can marry any one of several characters, regardless of gender. There are a few saucy lines in the relationship dialog. There is some monster killing in dark caves, which younger players may find scary. For individual reviews, check out: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/game-reviews/stardew-valley

What can learners do in this chat group?

Heidi Lathrem, MA: Homesteading/Farm & Video Games
I really wanted to like Elliott, but clearly he's already having a love affair with his own hair.

The Stardrop Saloon: A Stardew Valley Gamer Group! is a community of learners that come together on Outschool to share what they’re learning, ask questions, participate in challenges, and get feedback on their projects
Sample learner reactions


隨時造訪線上社群 - 透過任何裝置與志同道合的同儕分享和創作
經過驗證的學習者空間 — 所有參與者在加入前均經過 Outschool 通過視訊驗證
Bringing the practical to the digital.

Hello. My name is Heidi. I've been homesteading for two decades, and homeschooling as long as I've had a school-age kid. I think that learning happens both intentionally and experientially, and there is... 



2 主動學習者
Ages: 9-14

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