
基於 Python 2 級專案的冬令營 |強化營現場 Python 編碼

透過我們的 2 級冬令營推進您的程式設計之旅!超過 10 個令人興奮的課程,您的孩子將在動態、引人入勝的環境中加深他們的 Python 知識、處理更複雜的專案並提高他們的編碼技能。


10 現場會議
10 上課時間
每週 1 小時. All projects will be finished individually. Homework will be recommended but not mandatory.
Final project presentation.
We are excited to announce that each of our learners will receive an online printable certificate upon completion of the Course! 🎉


🏕️ Python Level 2 Programming Camp for Kids! 🚀

Join us on an advanced 10-lesson journey where your child will dive deeper into the fascinating world of Python programming. Building on the fundamentals learned in Level I, this course is designed to take their coding skills to the next level. Python is not only the leading language in software engineering, data science, and AI, but it also continues to be perfect for young learners! 🔍

Each lesson features advanced hands-on projects to reinforce learning, ensuring your child gains both sophisticated programming skills and enhanced creativity. Additionally, each class ends with a challenging project, and our teachers stay after class for any questions or additional help needs! We're excited to guide them through this enriching learning journey! 🌟

Students are encouraged to post questions, share sample code, and showcase their projects every step of the way. This fosters a collaborative environment where students learn from each other and practice more complex code reading. Instructors provide regular feedback and guidance to support student progress.

This class offers a supportive, positive, and fun environment for all participants! While previous coding experience is recommended, we ensure every student feels comfortable and confident.

In our courses, students join interactive groups where they can:
- Share Knowledge: Post questions, sample code, and projects to learn from peers.
- Practice Reading Code: Get hands-on experience reading and understanding more complex code.
- Receive Expert Guidance: Instructors provide regular feedback and guidance to support student progress.

Students should be comfortable typing and know how to copy/paste on their device. 💻📚
The course aims to inspire students, igniting their enthusiasm for the boundless opportunities within coding and computer science. The learning goal is to elevate students' knowledge from level 1 to the next step, ensuring they are well-prepared for more complex and sophisticated programming challenges.


10 課程
超過 2 週
課 1:
Review Functions & Project 1: Advance password generator
 We will begin by reviewing functions to refresh our memory. Following that, we'll look into string methods along with other interesting techniques. As part of our class project, we'll develop an advance password generator. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
List, functions & Project 2: Task Manager
 We will begin by learning about lists, then a few interesting functions, followed by how to format strings. For class project we’ll make an task manager 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Turtle Library & Project 3: Drawing Application
 We will start by learn about turtle library and for class project we will make a drawing application that allows us to chose our drawing color, draw, erase... 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
File System & Project 4: Interactive Login System
 We will begin by revisiting how to read from and write to a file. For our class project, we'll develop an interactive login system with the option to sign up, complete with graphics using the Turtle library. 
60 分鐘線上直播課


💻 Students should feel comfortable with typing and proficient in copying/pasting on their device. Additionally, students will require a second monitor to view instructional material while coding. This second monitor can be an old iPad, laptop, etc.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
  • repl.it
Students will need to create a Replit account, I have provided the link in the External Resources section.
已加入 October, 2023
We provide lifelong knowledge in our project-based classes to your young, gifted student. Our courses are led by Ivy League undergraduate professionals in Computer Science and Engineering, ensuring top-tier education and mentorship. We design fun, hands-on projects that challenge students to think critically and creatively.

Our mission is to provide a supportive environment where young learners thrive, building the skills needed for success in the rapidly evolving fields of computer science. We believe in balancing challenge and excitement through engaging, practical experiences that make learning not just educational, but truly enjoyable.

Something fun about us? We love fostering a community spirit! Early registration, sibling, and multi-course bundle discounts make joining even more exciting—and don’t forget, your first class is free with the code QUATTRONFIRST15




每週或US$150 用於 10 課程
每週5次,共 2 週
60 分鐘

有83 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 9-13
4-7 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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