



8 現場會議
8 上課時間
每週 1-2 小時. Each meeting will end by offering students a challenge to complete before the next session. Depending on how efficient the class us, they may have time to start during the lesson or may have to work on their challenges as homework.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 9 - 12
Beginner 等級
This course will serve as an introduction to computer programming for beginners. Students will be putting their new knowledge to use each week by working on a simple game project. We start simple with text-based guessing games and gradually move on to more complex graphical games by the end of the course.

Over time, as students' skills grow, assignments become more open-ended and introduce more room for creativity. The course will end with each student producing their own original game concept as a capstone project. I believe that staying motivated by focusing on projects of personal interest is the best way to learn programming.

We will be learning the Lua programming language and using a game engine called Love2D. These are professional-grade tools which have been used to create commercial titles.

Each lesson includes a live code-writing demo by me to illustrate the topic for the week while learners will be following along and asking questions as they arise. Each week will give the students a challenge to work on. Students are encouraged to post their in-progress code and get help from me and from each other.
Students will learn the basics of programming and gain some familiarity with the Lua language. Students will also learn how to tackle the kinds of problems that organically emerge when working on a large software project.


8 課程
超過 8 週
課 1:
Core concepts
 Topics Covered:
- What is programming?
- What is a programming language?
- Command line interface
- Finding help

Weekly Challenge: Install the lua interpreter on your system and use it to run a lua program. 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Learning Lua Part I - Expressions
 Topics Covered:
- Data types
- Operators
- Variables
- Reading user input

Weekly Challenge: Make an arithmetic-based guessing game 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Learning Lua Part II - Control Flow
 Topics Covered:
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions

Weekly Challenge: Make a text-based choose-your-own-adventure game 
60 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Learning Lua Part III - Data Structures
 Topics Covered:
- Review previous challenge
- Arrays
- Tables

Weekly Challenge: Refactor the choose-your-own-adventure game to use data structures and expand it with additional features 
60 分鐘線上直播課


The applications students will be using (Lua Interpreter, Love2D, & VS Code) all run locally on the user's computer without any need to log into an account or send any data over the network. These applications are professional development tools from widely trusted publishers and are safe to run on any computer. The recommended online reference sources (lua.org and love2d.org) are both publicly available on the web and do not require an account or any personal information from the user.
Learners should have basic computer literacy — the ability to install and use applications, manage files and folders, search for information on the web, etc.
A computer running a modern operating system such as Window, MacOS, or Linux. The software students will need include a text editor (Visual Studio Code is recommended), a copy of the Lua interpreter, and the Love2D game engine.
已加入 February, 2024
Over 7 years experience as a software developer




每週或US$150 用於 8 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 8 週
60 分鐘

年齡: 13-18
2-10 每班學員人數

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