

Jennifer Augustin, BFA/Art Ed Certification K-12


1 現場會議
1 上課時間
3-6 整堂課


英語程度 - A1
美國 6 - 9 年級
Beginner 等級
Students will create their very own colorful pumpkin by melting crayons! 

We will briefly introduce ourselves and talk about the Halloween season. 

For the activity, I will go step-by-step with the students and provide clear, detailed instructions on how to create a melted crayon pumpkin. Students can ask questions or comment during class. I encourage the students to be interactive and socialize with each other during class. I have other classes that are art and social and we always have a blast!  :)

Once complete, we will show off our pumpkins to each other! You will then have a beautiful pumpkin to decorate your home for the Halloween season!
Students will learn how to organize colors in a way that will create a beautiful, colorful pumpkin.


We will be working with hot glue. Parental guidance is advised.
Students will need: 

* Newspaper or paper towels.
* Box (big enough for their pumpkin).
* Medium-sized pumpkin.
* Acrylic paint - especially black and white.
* Medium-large paintbrush.
* Empty container or plastic cup for mixing paint/water.
* Container with warm water.
* Old crayons of different colors.
* Hot glue and hot glue gun.
* Hair dryer.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 September, 2020
紐澤西州 教學證書 在 音樂/戲劇/藝術
學士學位 在 音樂或戲劇或藝術 從 Moore College of Art and Design
Hello, my name is Mrs. Jennifer! I teach art and animal-related classes! 

Art Education: 
I have been working with children since I was 15 years old! I knew from a very young age that I wanted to work with children. 

I graduated from Moore College of Art & Design with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts. While at Moore, I majored in Art Education and obtained my Art Education Certification. I am certified to teach art to students in grades Kindergarten to 12th grade in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I have taught art to students from Kindergarten to 12th grade for over 18 years! I've taught everything from painting, drawing, sculpture, design, art history and crafts! I incorporate other subjects into my lessons such as geometry, science and history! 

I really enjoy teaching online! 

Animal Education:
I am a volunteer for my local animal control shelter. I have been caring for dogs in the shelter for about 14 years. 

While volunteering, I have learned from the Behavior Specialist how to properly walk a dog, their behavior, their demeanor and how to introduce dogs into a home. 

While at the shelter, I have also learned how the shelter operates. As part of the volunteering, I have worked closely with dogs who have been at the shelter for longer than 30 days. I was responsible for marketing the dog as well as meeting with potential adopters and their dogs for "meet and greets". I have also managed adoption events. 

Also, I worked closely with my city's only lifesaving shelter. I was the manager for the "cat room" at my local Petsmart. I, along with 12 other wonderful volunteers, would clean the cages and replenish fresh food and water for the cats. I would oversee the volunteers in making sure that the room and laundry/bedding were clean. I transported cats from the main shelter to the Petsmart adoption cat room. I also approved/denied the cat adoption applications.

Non-Profit Education:
In addition to volunteering at the shelter, I volunteer with a local non-profit. I am a community partner who goes into schools and presents a Power Point presentation to the students on animal-related topics such as how to control the stray/feral cat population and pitbulls. I have received an award from the non-profit for my work done in our city's schools. I have even brought my own dog to the classrooms! 

My Teaching Method:
My classroom setting is a positive one filled with encouragement and reinforcement. I have a number of  the same learners who have been in my ongoing classes for 2+ years! I bring a lot of humor into the classroom as well! I believe in having a lot of fun with the students and connecting with them through laughter. In addition, I am patient, energetic, engaging and interactive. Not only will the students learn from me, but I will be learning from them! I believe that learning is a two-way street! We will be discovering new things in the classroom together! My passion for art and teaching will shine bright in my online classroom! I will be providing a wonderful space where children can be creative and can express themselves through art!

When I am not teaching, I am bike riding or reading! I also love taking long walks with my pup, Oliver! I currently reside in Philadelphia, PA with my husband.




60 分鐘

有13 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 10-15
2-12 每班學員人數

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